Chapter 1

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♕︎ Not Proofread.

Half of this Chapter is a Summary of one of the MC's Parents love Story, so don't get things confused. I also advise to read it so you won't find anything confusing in the Future Chapters.

There was once a Young price who was Classified as an Omega. He was indeed exquisite. If Nymphs really did exist, he would be one of them. Because of this, his father, The King had became Protective of his Young and delicate son. He had gather Alpha Noble's around the world just to find the best partner for his Son.

The Alpha's were Up for the tests that the King would give. Due to the Prince's Beauty, they were blinded, eager to win the Prince's heart, they worked hard.

But who would have thought, that the Young Prince never even dared to glance at any of them. For his heart was already taken by a mere Stable boy.

While his Father, the King, was busy observing Noble Alpha's who participated in the Challenges, he would sneak out of the Castle to meet the Man he truly loves.

We can say, that love is Indeed beautiful.

The Prince didn't care about Status. They loved each other. Though, the Stable Man was afraid that if the King finds out, he will be kicked out and be vanished in his Kingdom forever. He didn't want that. He loved the Prince and they swore to each other to fight for the love that they had.

To their surprise, The King did Found out. He was furious. He didn't raise his Son just to love a mere Stable boy. He did try to separate them, but his Son was angered. The Omega swore to his father that he will never come back to the Palace. They ran away and searched for freedom which they found. They lived a happy life and was blessed with a baby.

Their son was healthy and Strong. The Young Prince never regretted running away. He was happy. He was contended.

Freedom was a great thing that can give you happiness.

But life isn't a fairytale that you'll end up with a happily ever after.

When their son grew up, his Parents died protecting him from a wild Roseyan. It's supposed to be a beautiful unique kind of Animal. A Roseyan is an Animal as big as a Lycan. Though, they are very kind, lovely, and beautiful. It's called Roseyan because it has the ability to bloom Rose's when it's in love. Their fur color would also change to pink. But once it loses it's mate, they'll become wild and Unstoppable. A very scary Animal who only knows Killing. The Roseyan died along with his parents at that time.

Their Son suffered in great sorrow. Before the young prince died, he reminded his Son "Never let anyone take your freedom." He said, wishing his Son to live happy even without them.

That was 6 years ago. Now, the Prince's Son had become an Adult. The age of 20, he lives hidden in the Woods. Free and Alone. He was Classified as an Alpha like his Father. His Parents had a secret that they would never let their son know for this will take away their Sons freedom. He didn't know that the one who gave birth to him was a Prince. He didn't know that he was a Royal. He didn't know anything about his parent's past.

The Young Man was Famous in their village. For he had great features and a Strong fighter. He hunts. He kills. But He is Kind. Like his Mother. Ladies would always visit him into the Woods, and try to serve him. Trying to win the Man's heart.

But he had never once thought about Marrying or having a partner.

Not until, The Prince's Father. The King. Found out about his Son's death and had a Child. He sent Men's to search for his Grandson. The King never wanted his Son to run away from him. He just wanted the best for him. Yet, he failed his duty as a father.

He's aging. He's old so he needs a heir for his Throne. And that's where his Grandsons comes to play.


"Jimin, how's the search going?" The King's voice was already rough and damaged by his aging. He was old and fairly aware that he'll be dieing soon.

"There haven't been any news, Sire" The boy who had taken his Father's looks Answered. Jimin, was the only son of the King's Prime Minister Park Jikyon.

"And how are my Other Grandsons doing?" The King once again asked. His eyes averting to the Young Man standing on his Door way. Jimin was also like a family to him. Jimin was Jikyon's Son afterall. Jikyon was his beloved friend. A brother like to him.

"They're doing well, Your Majesty. Currently eating their Dinner" Jimin answered, his face not showing any emotions at all. Even his eyes were Unpredictable and Undisturbed. Though, he was gorgeous. Jimin often reminded the King of his Son who ran away for love.

If we will talk about Honesty, The King would have confessed that he was Proud of his Omega son, and at the same time, Envious. His Son had done something he could never do. That is to fight for love.

"That's good. My child, have you also eaten your dinner?" The Young Man responded with a nod. "Alright, you can rest now" the King dismissed the Young Man who bowed to him before leaving.

Emperor Do Hanjoon was a Great man. But secretly worries about little things. Like how will Jimin find a Lover. Would he even get a lover? Park Jimin had been Unpredictable since he was young. He was a Beta. Meaning So, he can't take the Position of his Father. He could, if he was an Alpha. But he wasn't. Though, Jimin always wanted to become the Next Prime Minister. If not, maybe at least the Minister of Foreign affairs.

That isn't allowed. Only Alpha's are granted to take such Positions. The Emperor could change the rules, Yet, he didn't. For he had Promised to his Parents that he won't. A royals oath cannot be broken. So now, he hopes that when One of his Grandsons become King, they'd change the rules and allow Jimin to at least fulfill his own dreams. Yet, as far as the King had observe, his Grandsons Personalities takes after their parents. Selfish and Only yearns for Power. The King's only hope is his Long lost Grandson. His Omega Son's Child.

The King Favors Jimin. For the Child had grown up in his care too. He observed the Young Man's every move. So much like his Father. The only difference is maybe, Jimin looks more like a beautiful Sylph who often shows no Emotions. His Father was an Alpha. Though, he also had feminine features like an Omega. His Father was also Gorgeous.

Even at this age, the Emperor still finds his beloved friend very pretty. With or without wrinkles. People would often thought that Jikyon was an Omega because of his features.

And, oh, how the Emperor wished he was.

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