17) The Wutains

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~Fang's POV~

I swear Vincent is going to become my translator. Some of these people can hardly speak English, which I thought was strange for a tourist town. Sometimes we'll speak the old Oerba language around town, but that doesn't mean we aren't fluent in English too. I asked Sonyeh and Frill if they wanted to help out, but Sonyeh is still mourning Alec despite the fact that he wanted to kill me for reasons unknown. Frill doesn't want to leave Ayana alone at home if she can help it. So we just carried on to the place the Wutains would be staying. Yuffie is still annoying, whining about her boyfriend nonstop, her father getting mad every time she mentions him.

"How many trees we chop?" One woman asks me. I raise an eyebrow at her in confusion.


"How many trees we chop?"

"I don't.. Vince?" He shakes his head and walks away. Rolling my eyes, I follow him until I catch up and lay a hand on his shoulder to stop him. "What's up?"

"Too many people." I fight a grin and sigh.

"Get used to it. But I think Godo has this pretty much under control," I look back at the emperor. The man nods toward me before bossing his people around again. Vincent huffs and looks at me.

"What are we here for then?"

"Cloud's orders," I roll my eyes. "But since when do we have to listen to him?" His mouth twitches into a small, rare smile and he shakes his head.

"I believe the correct way to put that would be 'Since when do you listen to him?'."

"Shut up," I roll my eyes and grab his arm, pulling him back toward the people. "We'll just stay until lunch, how's that?"

We end up helping some pregnant widow and her children find a good spot for a home, her husband having been left behind during the meteor strike. What I don't understand is why the Lifestream didn't save their planet again. Did it just run out of patience with humans? I make it sound human... Of course, isn't it practically made out of humans? Ew... At one, I finally let Vincent drag me away from the soon to be town and back into Oerba.

"Why do you want to leave so bad anyway?"

"I was a Turk; I sneaked into their town and slaughtered their people, including some of the royal family. Godo can't stand me."

"And I'm sure the feeling is mutual." He glances my way, confirming my thoughts. "Wanna see if Frill has lunch ready for us?"

"I don't care," he shrugs. "I'm not hungry."

"Well you're gonna eat, or it's gonna make me look fat," I scowl, shoving him. He sighs and shakes his head; I can almost read his mind. Women. Frill eyes us carefully as we enter the apartment, she and Ayana watching me like hungry hawks as I make myself a sandwich, tossing a bottled water to Vincent as I go.

"Who are those people we saw earlier?" Frill asks slowly.

"People from his planet," I nod toward Vincent while licking peanut butter off my finger. "I think it blew up or something."

"Meteor strike," Vincent corrects.

"Same difference," I wave him off. Then I smoosh my bread together and take a bite. No more starving for Fang! I might just eat a whole Adamanchelid. Then I could tell Adamantoises I eat there babies...

"No exactly."

"They're not... Dangerous, are they?" She frowns.

"Nah," I shake my head. "Harmless. Except for that ninja. I think Chaos fetched her from the firey pits of Hell." Vincent gives me one of his rare smiles and shakes his head.

"He denies it." Then he cringes and adds "Very loudly."

Frill laughs and looks at her granddaughter, who has a strange obsession with Vanille's old chocobo doll. I need to go find her again, I miss my little Missy.

"Just as long as they make sure to bring peace, I'll get along with them."

"Alright, I'll have Vinnie go speak gibberish with them," I say around a mouthful of sandwich. He rolls his eyes and takes a drink from the water bottle.

"It correct name is Wutain," he says dismissively.

"Well I prefer the word gibberish," Frill winks at me. I grin at her as well as I can with peanut butter sticking my mouth up and curse myself for putting so much on my bread.

"They are entirely different.." Vincent starts.

"Hey Vamps!" I cut him off. "No one cares." Rolling his crimson eyes at me, he discreetly slips the water bottle under the table where we sat down moments ago and splashes my lap. I yelp, yelling a random curse or two in Oerbaen as the cold liquid freezes my legs.

"Gibberish?" He smirks. I give him a look that I can't describe. Horror mixed with anger with a sprinkle of surprise and a dash of false hatred.

"VINCENT VALENTINE! I'M GONNA STAB YOU!" And then he's laughing. Full on laughing. Is he on crack?! But I'm too annoyed to even notice, standing and miserably shaking the water off me. "Stop laughing! It's not funny! Vince!" I grab his shoulders and dramatically shake him to make his shut up. He purses his lips together and shakes his head, grabbing my wrists to pry me off. Frill laughs and goes to the sink to start washing dishes.

"You're face," is all he says finally, looking up at me. I huff and close my eyes, shaking my head in mock disappointment.

"What's wrong with my face Vincent? Hmm?" I tease. A small smile tugs at the corners of his lips.

"Nothing." He brings his lips up to brush mine. "It's perfect." I blush and sit back down awkwardly, not really expecting that. Gods Vincent, why do you have to be such a flirt sometimes?

"Should we, uh, get back to the building site?"

"I don't care," he shrugs. I nod and lead the way back, stopping when I see Yuffie, Godo, and some weirdo guy named Chekhov arguing. Then I shrug and head over.

"I refuse to use the woods as a bathroom!" Godo thunders. Chekhov face palms and Yuffie groans.

"Dad, toilets haven't been freaking invented here or something. Use the dang bushes. Or you can crap all over yourself in your sleep, I don't care." Then she runs toward us. "Hey Fang! Where's the closest materia cave? I'm having withdrawals!"

"Yuffie," Vincent says slowly after I give him a confused look. "Materia does not exist here."

"WHAT?!" She shrieks. I jump as she bursts into overdramatic wailing, throwing her arms around me. I blink at her blankly before pushing her off me.

"I don't need to be any wetter, kid."

"VINNIE!" She cries, trying to hug him. He steps back and she gives chase, sobbing over crystal balls with Vincent running away from her. The words 'help me' are written clearly across his face as he avoids another bone crushing hug. "LOVE ME!" I snort and look at Godo, who simply watches his daughter in complete confusion. I have a feeling he doesn't spend enough time around her.

"Does she.. Do this often?" He asks me. I chuckle and nod.

"You have a lot to learn, old man." A whole freaking lot.



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