20) The End

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~Cloud's POV~

         I sigh as Clark and Mark, the first two kids we met in Pulse, bump into me again.

"Sorry Cloud!" Mark calls.

"Yeah, sorry!" Clark repeats, hurrying back to Kristine Shinra's house. The woman mock glares at them with her hands on her hips, a taller blonde figure from behind gently kissing her cheek before heading out in his pristine suit as always. Ever since we heard the two were getting married, Avalanche and our other buddies have been keeping an eye on Rufus and Kristine, but it seems like everything's working out fine, nothing I would've expected from the man.

"What're you still doing here?" A hand pushes the back of my head. I turn quickly to see Light smirking at me, head tilted. "I thought we were all going to Wutai for 'a grand get together'."

"I thought we had to get Snow's whole clan?"

"Yes, so why are you staring at the Shinras' house? As far as I know, Snow isn't the one who got married to Rufus, so move your butt." I sigh and start walking, taking in the sights of the city that's built so much over time. More people, more houses, electricity, all that jazz.

"Right, Cloud," Lightning directs as I nearly go the wrong way.

"It's been awhile!" I try to point fingers at my memory, but she just shakes her head. We eventually get to their house, the door swinging open with Yuj standing in the doorway.

"Hey Light! Cloud! Cmon in, Snow's been waiting!"

"Actually, we're supposed to be getting to the waystone?" My rose haired fiancé raises an eyebrow with crossed arms.

"Right," the blue haired man nods, still as obsessed with fashion as he was when he was eighteen. "Snow! Cloud and Light are here."

"Hey sis," Snow appears in the doorway, looking exhausted. "Sorry, Nora was keepin' me up all night." I cast a confused glance in the direction of the friends surrounding the taller man, whose beanie thing is missing to reveal what I think is ridiculous hair.

"Not them," Tifa pushes past him, their daughter in her arms.

"Oh," I is all I say before raising an eyebrow at Light. She just shakes her head and leads the way to the waystone, tapping the surface and impatiently waiting for the teleportation to work. Once in Wutai, she looks back at me.

"I still don't know my way through this place." I chuckle and step ahead, mentally hating myself for agreeing to this.

"Cloud!" Yuffie squeals the second we reach the field she told us to meet her in. "You guys all came!"

"Did ya think we wouldn't?" Snow laughs, ruffling her hair. She rolls her eyes.

"Well Cid and his annoying kids are the only ones that bothered to show up so far."

"What about Vanille?" Tifa tilts her head.

"What about her? Fang's been hogging her!"

"Where's the boyfriend?" Sazh calls to her. She lights up in a beam and runs to go say hello.

           And then of course, Fang decides to show up with her little demon. Actually, both of her demons. It's not exactly fair that those two look exactly the same as they did five years ago. Heck, Light at least changed her clothes to something more comfortable.
"AUNTIE YUFFIE!" Aela screams, charging for the ninja with her red tipped brunette hair swinging around behind her. Fang laughs and elbows Vincent.

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