6) The Bridge

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~Cloud's POV~

Lightning kills another Gorgonopsid before sheathing her weapon and turning to look at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Want to go exploring? You're getting restless." I smile at her observation and stand from the rock I was sitting on.

"You know me so well." Rolling her eyes, she leads the way out of the narrow but natural passageway to the plains. The ground always has a small vibration to it due to the giant adamantoises walking around, and the shrieks of flying creatures and other animals comfort my homesick ears. This is what the area around Kalm always sounded like, not to mention the canyons.

"Is it strange for me to miss home already?" I mutter. She shakes her head.

"I wanted to go back the instant I wound up in yours, but I didn't want to leave toward the end."

"Nice to know you loved Gaia," I give her a teasing smile. She rolls her eyes and shoulder bumps me.

"Nice to know you love Pulse."

"I just got here," I shrug. "Mind showing me around?"

"No problem," she grabs my wrist and pulls me along to a large plateau in the middle of the plains. When she releases me, my jog slows to a walk as I look up in wonder. Lightning jumps the twenty five feet up as if it was nothing and smirks down at me.

"How am I..."

"There's less of a gravitational pull on Pulse than there is on Gaia. At least, that's what Sazh says. Just jump, it's easy."

"Um..." I frown, awkwardly bending my knees to jump up. She laughs and shakes her head.

"Just do it, don't even think."

I try to do as I'm told and feel myself launch into the air, though not quite as high as Light and end up catching the edge of the ledge she's on. Laughing again, she grabs my hand and pulls me up before I wipe the tan dust of my dark clothes.

"Easy, huh?"

"You're just not used to it," she rolls her eyes for the one millionth time since I've known her and jumps up to the next ledge. I groan and climb up like a normal person. It takes nearly five minutes just for me to get up, only to see Light smirking at me in amusement. "And here I was wondering if you'd decided to go ride a chocobo." I scoff and glare down at my dirt covered clothing.

"Please tell me you guys have showers."

"Cold ones," she shrugs. "We're still waiting for Sazh to come get the pipes fixed."

"Great," I groan.

"You're such a whiner," she sighs. "Here, sit down. I packed lunch before we left."

"You did?" I raise an eyebrow.

"What did you think this bag was for?" She pats the satchel at her waist.

"A purse?" I playfully shrug, knowing very well she isn't into things like that.

"Shut up and sit," she shoves me and I obey, somewhat fearing for my life. Then she plops down beside me and opens up her bag, revealing two sandwiches and one large can of what looks like an energy drink of some kind. "Here."

I bite into the kinda warm sandwich and try to hide my grimace. When I look away from the awesome view, I see that Lightings almost done with hers, studying the land carefully. Then she notices my picky eating and scoffs, finishing her food.

"You're so ungrateful."

"No I'm not, I'm just not hungry," I lie.

"Give," she holds out a hand. Sighing, I hand her the sandwich and watch her gobble that down before opening the can and taking a sip. Shoving it at me, she raises an eyebrow.

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