Chapter 1

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(A/N: this is her hair style, shoes and outfit, however she isn't wearing the bag)

Everyone is sitting sitting at their desk, doing nothing. Whilst I'm on the phone trying to get into mine and Tony's fund that our father gave us when we turned eighteen also, known as the only money our father will ever give us. "Big D as in Dimwit. Little I as in idiot. Big N as in Nimrod. Little o as in obtuse. Double z as in zz top. Another o as in Oh my god I'm going to shoot you! No don't put me on hold, you put me on hold fourteen times and my brother called before and he has been put on six times!
No! Don't you dare! Hello!? Hello!?" I shout.

I slam my phone back onto the reciever and let out a loud groan, leaning back in my chair and hanging my head backwards. I breathe and look up, to see Hotch, Rossi, Derek and Spencer looking at me. "What!?" I say, Derek is smirking. "What has got your panties in a twist." I look at him, flagging him off. "Oh my god I am offended." Putting a hand on his chest , I roll my eyes, and look at Spencer "Sto per uccidere, questo figlio di puttana." Me, Rossi and Spencer start laughing.

"What?" Hotch and Morgan asks, we look at them. "Nothing" we answer in unison. My cell then starts ringing and I pick it up with out looking at the caller ID "Very Special Agent SSA Doctor Lydia DiNozzo- Reid, how can I help?" I hear Tony laughing "Hey,sis. That's nice I know who it is but we got a problem." Tony sighs, Fornell walks upto Hotch and whispers something into his ear. "Yeah, from the look on Fornell's face I would say so. What is it?" He sighs, I look at the team and their all looking at me "what!? Why the hell is everyone looking at me!?" I stand up "Lydia, dad is being charged with killing an FBI agent and a Navy Officer."

"Oh my god! We will be there in an hour or two. Don't do anything without me, thank you Tony. I love you." I sighs "Okay, I love you too, Lydia." I hang up the phone and put on my hip holster and grabbing my satchel  and leather jacket and go down in the elevator to the car to NCIS.


"Hey McGeek!" He sighs and I can hear Tony laugh in the background. "Really, Lydia? Your even worse than your brother." Me and Tony laugh "Hey cut us some slack, our father is being charged for murder here!" Tony's laugh went away.
"Is there something, you're not telling us?" Hotch asked. "The Director is saying unless you guys get here in the next 20 minutes, dad is going to Prison. Lydia, please I'm begging you here. Get here soon! You need to work your magic with the lying thing. Please Lyds." Tony begs.
"We will be there in 20" Hotch reassured. I laugh and start speeding, with the lights on "Make that ten minutes, Tony! Ahh!" Spencer shouts.


We arrive in ten minutes, we put on our visitor passes and take the elevator up. We walk out the elevator and I dump my satchel next to Tony's. He gets up and hugs me "Thank you." He says  I nod "Director's office up there?" I ask pointing up a flight of stairs and he nods I start walking up the stairs "What is she going to do?" Gibbs ask. "Probably, knowing Lydia going to kill her!" Tony and Spencer say in unison.


I walk into a room with the Secretary desk and she tries to stop me but I barge in with Spencer,Tony, Gibbs, Fornell and Hotch follow me. "Excuse me, you must be Miss.Lydia DiNozzo, Tony's sister."

"First of all it's SSA Dr. DiNozzo- Reid . Second your not my friend so don't call me by my first name. Thirdly, I don't give a damn about you trying to get me and Tony to not work this case. So I'm going to work this case, and that's final!" She looks at me stunned.
"Are you finished?" She asks, I raise my eyebrow. "Yes, now let's make things clear, me, Tony, Special Agent Gibbs and Hotchner is going to conduct this interrogation and I will tell you if he's lying or not. We will also, be building a profile on the unaub and see if it matches the accused. Either way, If you try and throw him into prison, I will drag him out and the FBI can do an investigation." I say, she nods and I walk out and go downstairs.


"Rule 39. Your case, your lead.  Tony and Lydia should be lead on this case." Gibbs says and everyone agrees. "Derek and Rossi I want you to start building a profile on the killer based on the facts, Hotch and Fornell in observation and Spencer  I want you to dig up everything you can find on Special Agent Amy Fisher. Detailed, from the day she was born, till she was killed. I want to know every last thing that she had ever done from the last thing she ate to the last time she went to her house!" I say, they all nod.

"McGee you do the same as Dr. Reid but instead look into Navy Officer Lily Blu. Ziva help on the profile and Boss I want you in observation!" Me and Tony start walking to interrogation he goes to open the door but I stop him "Tony, don't make this personal try and distance yourself. I will remove you if you get personnel." He nods.

We walk in and our father looks at us and stands up "Junior, Lydia" we sit down at the table "Sit down, Mr DiNozzo." I say, he sits
"How did you know the deceased?" Tony ask . "You have to understand, Junior, Lydia" I sigh.
"That is Special Agent DiNozzo and SSA Dr. DiNozzo- Reid, until this investigation is over. Now answer the question, please" he sighs.
"I was dating Amy but she found out I was dating Lily and then Lily broke up with me and they to started dating. They stole my money and now I've got little, I started using your saving accounts."

"How long had they been dating?" Tony ask.
"Six months"
"That's motive for murder, they both led you on then robbed you."  Our dad stands up and slams his hand on the table, we stand up "sit down, now!" Tony says.
"I didn't kill them!"
"I know because,I was looked at your reaction when Special Agent DiNozzo suggested that you killed them. You didn't kill them, you will stay in the building until this investigation is over, because you could have hired someone." I say. Me and Tony walked out and closed the door, we turned to see the Director of NCIS and Hotch, Fornell and Gibbs. "I'm surprised, you guys stood your ground." I scoff, shaking my head "Stop it, you really had no faith at all me I understand but you didn't even trust your own Agent and don't patronise us!" I walk of into the squad room.
(A/N: the Italian was ' I am about to kill This son of a Bitch')

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