Chapter 20

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I am at my apartment, to pick up some clothes to take to Garcia's as Aaron is at a diner with Jack. I go to take my keys out when I notice the door is shut over.

I take my him out and torn on the torch, I enter my apartment. "FBI! Come out with your hands up!" I shout, someone shoots in my direction. I get behind the counter and shoot at the figure, it drops down to the floor.

I get up and turn a lamp on, I see a man wearing a ski mask and the apartment is a mess. A door creaks open, W man comes at me. He tackles the gun off me and I do the same to him, I punch him and he throws me into the table.

We fall on top of it, making it break, he punches me in the face. We have a struggle. I manage to push him off of me, we both pick up our guns and he fires at me but misses. I shoot at him and hit his shoulder, he runs out of the apartment.

I breathe heavily and take out my phone, I look at the body on the floor. I press on Morgan's number and dial his number, I put the phone to my ear.

"Hey, foxie!" Derek greets, I breathe harder, "Foxie?.... Lydia?.... Lydia you there?" Derek questions.

"I'm here... I'm here, Derek... call everyone... and... come to my place." I answer in between deep breathes. "..... I've just shot two guys." I inform him.


The police came shortly after I called them. The team arrive as the EMT's clean up my head wound. "What happened?" Emily asks as she comes and sits next to me on the couch.

"Well, I was getting some clothes for Garcia's. I found the door open. Announces who I was. First guy came after me. I shot him. Second guy came after me. We had a struggle. He broke my bloody table. I shot the guy. He made a run for it. I called Morgan. Then the cops." I answer

"Is anything missing?" Aaron asks
"You okay?" Rossi asks

"I am. My apartment isn't. The table is Italian wood. I'll have him. He owes me a table.... Son of a bitch!"

I get up and rush over to the back wall, I crouch down to the floor and pick up a picture frame. "What?" Morgan asks

"Bastards broke Theo's picture frame that he made for me.... I'm gonna kill this guy."

"Your not gonna kill anyone! We'll find the guy.... Can you think of a reason to why they broke in?" Aaron questions

"There was this guy.... He owned this apartment as well as Tony's. In Tony's he killed three guys. In this apartment he killed two. It's how us guys got the apartments so cheap."

"How did the victims die?" Emily asks
"In this apartment, he drugged them and then cut them up with an electrical carving knife, whilst eating Chinese food.

In Tony's apartment, I don't know the official cause of death but still the victims ended in the same fate.

Paul Triff! Paul Triff was his name! He opened the door to the police covered head to toe in blood. He's claimed self defence. He's currently serving his 1/5 life sentences."

"You and Prentiss go and visit him." Aaron commands us, I put the photo frame on top of the cabinet and leave with Emily.


Me and Emily are in my ye conference room at the prison facility. The doors open with a buzz, we turn to see a middle aged man with glasses.

He looks between us and smiles, the doors close and Triff sits down in front of us.

Lydia DiNozzo- ReidWhere stories live. Discover now