Chapter 18

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I'm in Washington DC, to witness the death of a man who killed a little boy. It was my first case working with my friend, Cal Lightman, that led to a death penalty.

We walk into the observation room to see the aunt and uncle of Rex Sheridan.

"Faye. Charlie." I greet
"Dr DiNozzo- Reid. Dr Lightman." Faye greets as Cal stands next to me. "I'm sorry about, uh, Dave and Sue." Cal apologises.

"Yeah. To lose their son and then die in a car crash... Life is so unfair." Faye says
"It's about time they killed this monster for what they did to our nephew. Death by injection is too good for this unrepentant son of a bitch." Charlie agrees

"Yeah. Well. What can we say?" I ask, they go to sit down. "Are you sure your okay for this?" Cal asks

"Why wouldn't I be?"
"You watched an innocent woman die last week. It's not easy."
"I'm fine. At least this one isn't innocent."

We sit down next to Zoe, Cal's ex wife. "Hey, Lydia." Zoe greets
"Hey, Zoe."
"I'm sorry about Theo."

The curtain pulls back and we see Jason Wilkie.
"Do you have any last words?" A man asks
"I'm an innocent man. The Pied Piper was a rat catcher who was tricked and didn't get paid. He stole the children of Hamelin so the rich would remember the day. I didn't take little Rex. The Pied Piper did." Wilkie says

"Shit." I whisper, me and Cal get up.
"I need to talk to the governor." I inform
"Uh, no. He's tellin the truth when he says he didn't take the boy." Cal tells everyone after everyone looks at us.

"Could I speak to him?" I step forward
"Have you lost your mind?" Zoe asks
"Is he on the phone? Is that the governor on the phone?" I ask the man on the phone.

"The governor can't speak to you." A security guard says, grabbing ahold of me. "He can't, or he won't?" Cal asks

"Come on!"
"I'm good." I say, putting my hands up in surrender. I look at Wilkie to see him gazing at me.


Morgan informed me that he arrived at Cal's office with the team and a new agent. Who happens to be my old friend, Emily Prentiss.

I walk into the conference room that we're using as an office. "Are you okay?" Aaron asks, I look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Would you be okay if you allowed an innocent woman to be killed by the electric chair last week? Or failing to stop the execution of an innocent man tonight?" I ask, sarcastically.

"Hey, Lydia." Reynolds says as he walks in. "Sorry, do I know you?"
"It's me Ben Reynolds..... I'm from the FBI."
"What do you want a medal?"

I'm at Zoe's house with Cal trying to get the case files. "Hi. I need the case files for the Wilkie trial... The transcripts, the tapes, the lot." Cal says as we walk in.

"Go to City Hall. Or get Lydia to get them." Zoe commands. "Well, I'm trying to but I've run into two problems. One, their questioning if I should be on this case. Two, we haven't been officially invited to help. Without an invitation the Reynolds guy is getting picky on what jurisdiction we have. But I know you have copies" I retort.

"You both made the paper... Look, it's over, Guys. Please. For all of our sakes."
"Look, we saw Wilkie lie dozens of times during his trial... All right? But last night he was telling the truth." Cal informs.

"Wait. So you're tell me, the woman who prosecuted Willkie... based in a large part on your two science, you guys got it wrong?"

"No, we didn't get it wrong." I answer
"When? Last night, or 17 years ago?"
"Both." Me and Cal say in unison, Zoe scoffs.

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