Chapter 14

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I'm at a coffee shop, drinking a cream based chocolate Frappuccino when a woman walks up to me.

"Hi, sorry. I can't help but notice your wearing a badge and gun and your not local." The woman says

"Yeah, I'm a federal agent. A profiler in the BAU. Quantico. Why?" I wonder

"I'm working a cold case, I was wondering if you could help me. It's okay if you don't want to help."

"Lead the way" I say
"Really?" I nod at her and she smiles. I get up and follow her to her car. We drive to the precinct.

"You know I could be a total serial killer, right?" She says and I laugh, shaking my head.
"Yeah, so could I be. Also, you forgot I'm a profiler."

"I could be lying"
"No, your not. I'm a Doctor in deception and facial expressions."
"So, your a profiler. Profile me"

"Okay. Your 30 to 35 years old. Detective. Married. Four kids. Divorced parents. Quite a lot of money."
"That's quite good and accurate. What about you you got anyone special?"

"Yeah, he's my boss. We started dating about two years ago. Recently my old friends, ex wife and two year old son became a casualty to the job. I came here for a month, to calm down before I go back to work today. He's called me everyday without fail to make sure I'm okay."

"He sounds amazing."
"Oh, he is. I wouldn't trade him for the world. Sometimes, I can be a little bratty but he still puts up with me."

"Keep him. My grandma used to say 'if you've got something good, hold onto it'."
"I will. So what's the cold case about?"
"Well, every three years since 1989. Two children have been kidnapped and murdered. A boy and a girl."

"Let me guess the time is coming up?"
"Yep, the case just got hot again."

"oh I have to call my hoss to let him know I'm working the case."

I take out my phone and dial his phone number.
"Lydia? Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, it's fine. I just wanted to let you know I've been invited in on a case and I'm going to work it."

"Lydia, your supposed to be on leave"
"Aaron, that ended this morning. I promise you I will be fine. It's a cold case."

"Fine. We've not got a case and we'll come down later."
"Thank you, Aaron. I love you"
"I love you too, Lydia"

He hangs up as we pull up to the precinct. We get out, and walk in the doors. "The rest of my team will be coming later"

"Okay, let me introduce you to the chief." I nodded and we walked into a big office and I saw a man in his mid sixties. He was with a woman in her forties.

The woman quickly left as we entered, "Who are you?" He asked me
"I'm SA Doctor Lydia DiNozzo- Reid. With the Behavioural Analysis Unit in Quantico. Im a profiler. I'm here to work a cold case with this detective."

He gave a look to the Detective, then looked back at me. "Look, Doctor DiNozzo- Reid. Detective Pikes is capable of doing the case by herself. It's a cold case it can wait."

My blood began to boil, "Look, Chief" I looked at his name plate and then back to him. "Dylan! Kids are going missing every three years! It's our jobs to help them! You have not been so lucky! But kids another kid has just gone missing! It's not too long until one more goes missing and they end up dead!"

"Hey, this is my precinct,"
"I don't care! My team will be arriving in a while and we are going to be solving this case before anymore children die!"

"Your just a Doctor who can profile!"
"Actually, she's not! She will be helping me solve this case!" Detective Pikes says and storms out, I follow her and smirk.

"Thank you for that, Detective Pikes"
"Please calm me, Lula"
"Then please call me, Lydia"

"Where do we start?"
"We should visit the crime scene first. Then read over these cases. I could build a profile. My team should be here by then."
She nods and we make our way to the crime scene.

We arrive at the crime scene, to see it full of reporters, police cars and CSI. I walk up to the the tape and flash my badge. We are let through and start walking up to the house when my phone rings.

I answer it, "Hello?"
"Lydia. It's Aaron. We have storms over here and aren't allowed to fly for another six hours."
"I'm sorry, you don't have to do it."
"It's a bit late now, Aaron. I'm at the house about to talk to the child's parents. We only have about two hours?" I look at Lula and she nods.

"Until one more child goes missing. If I don't solve this then it's going to go cold for three more years and two dead kids later."
"I can understand your frustration, but there's nothing we can do. Lydia, I believe in you, you can do this."

"Okay, thank. I got to go. Love you"
"Love you. Keep me updated"

I hang up, "Turns out it's going to be just us." I say
"Lula, it's going to be fine. We can do this."

She nods and we walk into the house, I see a woman crying and a man looking upset. I make our presence known, "Hi, I'm SA Doctor Lydia DiNozzo- Reid with the BAU. This is Detective Lula Piles with the Local station. We're here to help find your son"

"And Daughter?" The woman asks
"I'm sorry" Lula asks
"Our Daughter" the man repeats
"Your daughter was kidnapped too? How old are they?" I ask

"Yes, their eight years old. Their twins"
"We will do everything in our power to help get you children back safely."

We walk out off the house and We get into the car. I decide to drive this time, I dial Aaron and put it on Speaker.

"I know. Turns out two kids have been kidnapped. Eight year old twins. One boy, one girl. Can you get Garcia to pull everything on them and the previous kids?"

"Yeah." I sigh as I look at the time. "What's wrong?"
"We're running out of time and we have so much to do. The Chief here is a complete dick who isn't taking me or Detective Pikes seriously. He's dismissing the case"

"Lydia, take a deep breathe. You can read the case files and build a profile. Garcia can fill in Detective Pikes on the children. We will deal with the Chief."


Lydia DiNozzo- ReidWhere stories live. Discover now