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"Excuse me where is Kim Jisoo?" Taehyung asked to the reception.

"She is admitted in Ward no. 120" receptionist said.

"Thank you" taehyung said as he went to her room.

As taehyung opened the door he saw jisoo sleeping and jin was also sleeping in his sofa. He was shocked to jisoo badly injured. He knew that something happened to her but he didn't knew it was that serious. He didn't realised but he was standing there for too long. And now jin was awake.

"Why are you here?" Jin asked suddenly which startled taehyung.

"Uh umm i know you said that jisoo is taking rest and you told me to come tomorrow but i needed to talk to her..BY THE WAY I BOUGHT FOOD FOR HER yeah" taehyung said but he didn't realise he kind of shouted.

"Keep your voice low kid don't you see jisoo is sleeping?" jin said coldly.

"And what do you need to talk with my sister?" Jin raised his eyebrow.

"Uh nothing important just school stuffs" taehyung smiled nervously.

"If its not important why are you here? I told you she is resting" jin said coldly.

"Uh um" taehyung didn't knew what to say as he was nervous.

"Taehyung-ah?" Jisoo woke up.

"Jisoo-ah" taehyung smiled.

"What happened to you are you ok?" Taehyung asked worriedly.

"I am ok just a small accident" jisoo smiled.

"You need to take care of yourself jisoo" taehyung said.

"I will" jisoo said showing a thumbs up.

As they were talking they didn't notice jin glaring at taehyung. But after sometime jisoo noticed.

"Yah dummy why are you glaring at taehyung?" Jisoo asked but he didn't answer.

"You know what? You didn't buy me my medicine. Go to the pharmacy and buy me my medicine" jisoo asked.

"I can buy that later" jin said.

"Hey medicines are important and you know right? Pharmacy are usually really packed" jisoo said.

"Fine fine i will leave you two alone" jin said as hee rolled his eyes and left.

"Looks like your brother is really protective towards you" taehyung said.

"Yeah he is" jisoo chuckled.

"By the way you won't believe what happened today" taehyung said.

"What happened?" Jisoo asked.

"Me and you are paired again" taehyung said excitedly.

"Again?woah" jisoo was happy too.

"But for what?" Jisoo asked.

Was it even love? [kth x kjs] ✔Where stories live. Discover now