returning a favour?

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"Are you just gonna stare at me?" Taehyung said.

"Uh sorry" she said as she hold his hand and stood up.

"Thank you for helping me" jisoo said smiling.

"You can leave now i will go home" jisoo said.

"You barely can walk let me drop you home" taehyung said which shocked jisoo.

"Ah no need i will go by myself " jisoo said smiling.

"You helped me that night right? So i will help you too" taehyung said coldly.

"Uh ok then" jisoo said.

"Get inside my car" he said.

"..ok" Jisoo said.

They went inside his car. Who knew the cold and rude taehyung will help someone he barely knows.

"So where is your house?" He asked.

"Just few minutes from your house" she said.

Taehyung was confused.. why was he helping a stranger? It is just because he is returning her favour..right? He was also wondering. .. why did she say sorry when it wasn't her fault at all? And yeah he was watching when Jessica and Jisoo bumped into each other. If he was on her place he would have burst out. But she was calm about it. Was it because she is just so nice or there is something more?

"Here" jisoo said as he stopped the car.

He went out of his car, opened the door for her and hold her hand so he can support her to walk.

He ranged the door bell. And sound of jin yelling was heard.

"Yah you dumbo!! Why are you late? Forget about me making your favourite dish for din-" jin stopped when he opened the door and saw his sister with a boy and not just any other boy.. KIM TAEHYUNG .

"Yah dumbo what happened? " jin asked.

"Uh nothing its just that i fell and i think i sprained my ankle and taehyung helped me and brought me here" jisoo said.

"Yah you clumsy dumbo? Where were your eyes? Do you need an eye check up?"jin scolded.

"And thank you for bringing my sister home "jin said to taehyung.

"Uh taehyung we will start our song from tomorrow. I am sorry we have to postpone it" jisoo said.

" take rest and when your ankle is recovered we will start it "he said with a poker face.

"Uh ok... and thank you again and sorry for troubling you" jisoo said as taehyung nodded and left.

 and thank you again and sorry for troubling you" jisoo said as taehyung nodded and left

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