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Jisoo was happy as usual. She was walking to her class when a hand pulled her. Like any other person she was scared and was about to scream but then she saw who was the owner of the hand.....
Kim Taehyung..

"Who do you think you are huh?" he said.

"Kim Jisoo" she said showing her beautiful heart shaped smile. Which made him roll his eyes.

"Don't play dumb Kim Jisoo" he said.

"Huh?" she said.

"You texted my friend to ask my address just to embarrass me.. Right? To show that how i was drunk and you were a knight in a shinning armour and you took me home...and to show how great you are right?" he said.

"What do you mean?" she said which annoyed the hell out of him. He pinned her to the wall and gripped her hand tightly which scared her..

"You could have just asked me but you choose to embarrass me" he said in a scary voice.

"I asked you.." jisoo said in a small voice which was almost a whisper as she was scared.

"I asked you but you were too drunk to answer my questions" she said.

She removed herself from him and was about to leave when he grabbed her wrist.

"Why?"he asked.

"Huh?" she asked.

"Why are you acting kind and innocent?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"You think i will fall in your trap huh?"

"You think because of this stupid act i will fall for you?"

"Don't you already have a boyfriend? Go with him and stop this stupid act of this so called "kindness" he said as he left.

That moment her heart broke.. She never thought this would happen.. She was sad.. Her happy smile was replaced with a sad expression..

 Her happy smile was replaced with a sad expression

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