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"Thank you jisoo for coming" Mrs.Kim said.

"Thank you Mrs.Kim and Mr.Kim for inviting me" jisoo said smiling.

"Oh come on jisoo you don't need to be formal with us, just call us auntie and uncle" Mrs.Kim said as she smiled.

"Nice to meet you jisoo, Taehyung and his mom talks about you alot" Mr.Kim said.

"Nice to meet you too uncle" jisoo said as she bowed.

"Dinner will be ready in few minutes why don't you stay in the living room jisoo?" Mrs.Kim said.

"Auntie...May i help you?" Jisoo asked.

"Ahh jisooya no need you are the guest" Mrs.Kim said.

"But i would love to help" jisoo said smiling.

"Ahh....your are too nice...ok then lets go.." Mrs.Kim said smiling as jisoo followed her with a smile.

As they went to the kitchen, taehyung and his father was left alone.

"She is really polite" mr.kim said.

"Yeah she is wayyy different than people nowadays who are impolite and only care about themselves" taehyung said.

"That means she is really opposite of you" mr.kim said chuckled.

"Yah what do you mean?" Taehyung asked.

"You are single right now right?" Mr.kim asked.

"Yeah..why?" Taehyung asked.

"Nothing." Mr.kim chuckled leaving taehyung confused.

"Jisoo looks like a really nice girl, your mom is always taking how nice she is" Mr.Kim said.

"She really is a nice girl" taehyung said.

"How long have you been friends with her?"Mr.Kim asked.

"Since this semester started" taehyung answered.

"How is your school going?" Mrs.Kim asked.

"Its going alright" taehyung said.

"Your song was really great i am always listening to it. I am really proud of you" Mr.Kim said patting taehyung's shoulder.

"Thanks Dad" taehyung smiled.

"Dinner is ready" they heard Mrs.Kim yelling.

As they went to the dinning hall they saw jisoo plating the dish and Mrs.Kim serving the freshly made kimchi.

"Honey, jisoo is a guest she shouldn't be working" Mr.Kim said.

"I told her not to but she is just too nice" mrs.kim said complimenting her.

As they served the food. They sat to enjoy the dinner.

"So jisoo, tell us something about you" Mr.Kim said.

"I am 20 years old now, I have a brother....and a sister. Actually there is nothing interesting about me" jisoo said chuckling.

"You seem like a really nice person. Your parents raised you well" Mr.Kim said.

"Thank you uncle" jisoo smiled.

"What do your parents do?" Mr.Kim asked as jisoo got a little uncomfortable by the mention of her parents.

"Honey...lets not ask her that" Mrs.Kim answered as she noticed jisoo got uncomfortable.

"Uhhhh ok...by the way i heard you are one of the brightest students in our school" Mr.Kim said changing the topic.

"Uhhh" jisoo didn't knew how to answer that..because she was never praised like that in her entire life.

"Thank you uncle. I really appreciate your compliment" jisoo said politely as she was smiling.

"By the way you have a really beautiful smile" Mr.Kim said as jisoo thanked him again.

The dinner went really good. Jisoo was smiling alot. She felt comfortable around them. You can just say that she was happy jsut by looking at her face. She had those so called "family dinner" in which her father and step mom constantly say rude things to her and compare her to jennie. Which ofcourse wasn't a nice thing to always be remebered. Comparing her to jennie was their favourite hobby. Jin always used to get mad at them and told jisoo to not attended those so called "family dinner". But he was forced attended to because his father literally blackmailed jin that he will make jisoo's life miserable and things like that. Jin really didn't knew the reason behind hatred towards his sister.

Jennie on the other hand also didn't like how her parents talked about her, because she knew it was just made up lies to make jisoo feel miserable but she didn't do anything....afterall she was being praised and thats what matters..right? Who doesn't like getting praised?

Talking about jennie....she wasn't over of the breakup. She didn't liked that way taehyung blamed her for everything.  She didn't like that HE was the one who broke up with her because of her ego. She never really thought that maybe. maybe it was her fault. She was just too brainwashed by her mom that jisoo was a bad person ever since she was little. That made her belive that its all because of jisoo because how close taehyung and jisoo are.And ofcourse she was too little to understand what was truth and what wasn't. And till now she still has the same mindset, which her mother wanted. Like any other daughter..she loved her mom to the point she never doubted her. Never did she thought that her mom might be wrong.

About jennie. She was arrogant and nothing can deny that. But the reason was sorely because when she was little, she was always praised, she was never scolded or a corrected her even if she was wrong. That lead her to be arrogant. She always thought she was right. She always thought she could never be wrong.

And now..jennie was pissed because she somehow found out jisoo was invited for a dinner at taehyung's. She was really mad. She was never invited at their house in the 2 years of dating. 

She furiously called taehyung...

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