Chapter 22

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Brian pulled into the parking lot of the school, putting the car in park and heading towards the front entrance.

He had been on tour for a week and a half and today was bring your dad to school day at Kassi's preschool. Due to the tour, he had to break the news to her that he wouldn't be able to make it. The disappointment etched on his little girl's face broke Brian's heart entirely in two. He felt terrible. So, as soon as their final show was over he beelined straight for the airport and caught a red eye flight, making it just in time.

After picking up his visitors pass he walked down the hallway towards his daughter's classroom. He approached the open door where the chatter of kids and their fathers echoed down the empty hall. As he walked in the door he searched for his daughter and found her off to the side coloring on some paper. Her teacher caught his eye and smiled at him. He motioned for her to be quiet and walked up to sit next to Kassi. He was quiet for a moment, waiting for her to notice him. When she still didn't look up from her paper he decided to speak up.

"What are you coloring?" He asked. Kassi's eyes widened and her head shot towards her father.

"Daddy!" She jumped into his embrace, wrapping her arms tight around his neck. His arms coiled around her waist and his heart melted when he saw her cute little face light up. "You're really here!" She exclaimed jumping up and down in excitement.

"Of course I'm here." He smiled kissing her forehead. Kassi ran off to go get him some snacks while her teacher came over to talk to Brian. "How's she doing?" He asked.

"Really well! I don't think I've ever seen a kid as smart as her." Brian smiled brightly at the comment. "I'm sure she's glad to see you. She's been missing you these past few weeks."

He smiled to himself when he realized he missed her just as much and then he smiled at his little girl as she made her way back over to them.

"Trust me when I tell you she gets her smarts from her mom." Brian joked but was also completely serious.

Kassi came over and handed Brian a plate of food.

"Here you go!" She giggled as Brian ruffled her hair.

"Thank you, princess."

They enjoyed the breakfast at school and afterwards Brian decided to take her out early for the day. They'd make a quick stop to see Rachel and then have a little daddy daughter day together. They made it outside and Brian helped Kassi into her car seat in the back of the Jeep.

"I missed you, daddy." Kassi exclaimed as Brian buckled her into the car seat.

His smile beamed at his little girl and he gave her a gentle kiss on her temple.

"I missed you too, princess."


The memory had been occupying Brian's mind all day. He was sitting on set at the park this morning when he heard a toddler call out to their dad. Then suddenly he remembered that day at Kassi's school and it's been on his mind ever since. These random memories had been coming back to him more frequently the past few days and he couldn't help but feel a slight glimmer of hope. Things were getting better. They had to be.

So, arriving home that night Brian parked the car in the driveway and headed towards the front door, excited to share his new memory with Rachel. When he walked in he heard his daughters sweet voice followed by tiny footsteps running towards him.

"There's my girl!" He smiled kneeling down to give her a hug and a kiss.

"Daddy look at my new dress!" She said doing a little twirl for him.

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