The Morning after

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Whisper groaned as the sun touched her eyes. The first day of school. All of a sudden the short hair girl wanted nothing to do with the world. She felt exhausted, due to prior events but she wasn't one to break routine.
With a long, heavy sigh she got up out of bed and stretch, after hearing the satisfying pop of her bones Whisper notice Stella still wasn't back from wherever she was last night. Nonetheless the girl went to the bathroom and started getting ready, brushing her hair and teeth, putting on black genes and a simple white shirt, a black beanie, and to top it of her leather jacket.
Once done she grabbed her satchel/ bag and journal and headed out, wanting to go to that spot she found yesterday and get her frustration out before class. On her way out she saw Aisha coming back in a little damp "hi sleep well?" The water fairy asked. Whisper nodded " yeah I was just going to go get some breakfast and explore a bit, oh uh also you or the other girls didn't happen to see Stella last night did you? She never came back." The short girl wasn't worried but she was curious, curious how someone could do something like that, and curious as to why. And the only way she would know is to ask her herself. " no, I'm afraid not, I'll text when she does though sound like a plan?" Aisha suggest she loved being able to help, and whisper was thankful for it. " that would be great" she smiled before continuing her way to the outside

She made it to the covered area near the specialist training grounds and took a seat at the stump of the tree. She looked around it was empty, well almost empty, at a punching stood the tall blond specialist Whisper had grown to like. He was furiously punching the pack you could almost see the sweat coming off him from a distance. Whisper drew her eyes away and opened her journal. She started to write about her most recent nightmare.
She was in a hall with the power out it, she looked frightened, snarling could be herd in the distance. When Whisper turned around she came face to face with a charred Creature. A Burned One. She screamed. Then she always woke up leaving her panicked.
A couple of minutes later she herd foot steps.
Sky had come earlier in the morning to do his daily workout, and was quite pleased when he saw the short girl sitting by the tree. He quickly finished up, wanting to talk to her more, he approached the girl who appeared to be writing when she saw him. " fancy seeing you here" the blonde joked. The girl laughed " yeah I totally just stumbled over here" she remarked. Now it was his turn to laugh. Sky sat down next to her " well I'm glad you did, not very many early birds around here, gets kinda lonely" the girl nodded " I know I spent most of my life alone it's nice to have company sometimes" she smiled. The specialist couldn't help but look into her eyes and see they were a rich brown, they looked beautiful. " so I think we're more than acquaintances tell me about your self" he tried. Whisper seemed hesitantly First but she wanted to be closer to him.
" why not, I'm Whisper, it's my first year here and I'm a fairy, And I like to write and draw" she stated simply " what kind of magic do you use?" Sky questioned. " you'll have to guess, I will say though it's rare" the silver haired girl hinted. 'This will be fun' he thought. " your turn" Whisper said to the blonde boy.

They two continued to converse and learn more about each other, although not enough for Whisper to spill her secrets, until the girl had received a text from Aisha say 'super nova has arrived' she chuckled at that name. "What's so funny?" Sky asked " oh uh nothing important, sorry I really hate to cut this short but I have to get back to my suite" " your suite mates with Stella right?" Whisper looked at him bewildered " how did you-" she started " well she kinda told me last night and we are kinda" he paused, the specialist didn't know what him and the fairy exactly. Dating, Friends with benefits, it confused him. Quickly enough the silver haired girl pieced it together " ohh, your" " yeah" she didn't know how to feel, how could such an amazing guy be with a girl like Stella there had to be more to it, however the shadow girl decided to leave it for another day." well I'll see you around wonder boy" and with that she disappeared into the shadows" leaving Sky amazed at what he just witnessed.
Whisper entered the doors to the suite right as she herd Bloom say "that burned....burned thing took it" " what?!" The blonde exclaimed. " calm down princess" Musa said " don't tell me to calm down and don't use my title as an insult". " wait are you actually a princess ?" Bloom questioned. " more like royal pain in the ass" Whisper said pulling herself into the conversation, the light fairy just pulled her the wrong way, it could be their powers are total opposites, or that she just Riley found Stella horrible.
The fairy in question Glared " and where were you miss shadow hider" now it was Whispers turn to glare " out" was all she responded with taking a seat on the couch. " yes I am actually, my mum is the queen and the ring you lost is a crown jewel of Solaria" Stella said getting the matter at hand. Whispers eyes widened, 'great, now we'll have to get it back' she decided to cut this conversation shorter than it needs to be " Dowling has the monster locked up we can just go find it and get it before the royal army gets involved, and one of us gets arrested for your mistake. Sound good super nova" Whisper said she wanted to get this over with and this was the only way she saw how. " finally someone who understands how things need to happen, for now no one says anything to anyone" Stella instructed and left to go get ready for the day. The other girls looked at each other before moving separate ways to get ready for school, leaving Whisper Alone on the couch.

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