Aster Dell

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Sky's mind was running wild, Beatrix was a murderer and Whisper was probably with her. He had to stop his mind from thinking what could happen and focus on finding his little Shadow. He bursted through his dorm room finding just the guy he was looking for, " where is she?" The blonde demand. Riven looked at his room mate " who?" He asked, " the unstoppable sex addict leading you around by your dick. Where is she?"
   Sky wasn't himself, he was panicked, scared, angry. He needed to hold Whisper in his arms, even if it was just for a split second, to know she was safe. Right now the person standing in between him and protecting the small girl was the air fairy is roommate was shagging.
   " I don't know, Beatrix isn't surgically attached to me. Why do you need her?" he said casually, it wasn't Riven's fault, he didn't know what was going on. " I'm looking for Whisper, and bloom" he said adding the last bit. The brunette started making a end it motion at the mention of Whisper but was too late to get it across, when a pissed light fairy walked out of the bathroom.
    "Seriously I sent you like 20 texts, and your running around look for Whisper?" Stella asked angry. Riven left the room feeling the tension, " I'm in the middle of something Stella" Sky dismissed. He had more pressing matters to deal with, " so am I, I need you" she said desperately. " Whispers missing, bloom too, I don't know if she is in danger or hiding. But it can probably be traced back to everyone knowing she's a shadow fairy thanks to you" his voice carried a venom in it, one Stella had never herd from him before. It scared her.
    " oh, I didn't mean to hurt her." The fairy tried. " you say you don't want to be like your mother, but all I see is someone who treats others the exact way Luna treats you. Stella you damned Whisper an even harder time her, this place was supposed to be her safe haven! She has felt with so much shit and you just through out the only peace she had!" He exclaimed harshly, he took a breathe to call down " so I'm done with this, Stella. I'm fully done" the male spoke walking away.
   That was one problem handled, now to find Whisper.

The car ride had come to an End when Whisper woke up. She looked around and Notice they were far away from any civilization. She got out of the car and followed Bloom and Beatrix. Again she felt the pull, but the shadow fairy wouldn't listen to her instincts, to adamant on helping Bloom.
   The had approached a cliff of sorts, it looked familiar to the silver haired girl, like she had been there before. A feeling she was used to with the constant nightmares, this just put her more on edge. The longer she stayed the more she wish she hadn't. " Aster dell was a town right? Are you sure this is the right place?" Whisper asked looking around.
     "I'm positive" the air fairy responds, " how could a town be marked on a map of its on the the side of a mountain" Bloom asked. Beatrix started to gather up her magic creating a giant ball of electricity " the hell is this place" whisper asked.  Her question was answered by. Beatrix " your not the only powerful fairy at Alfea." The two turned around and saw the ball, Whisper's eyes widened stepping in front of Bloom, who had crouched down " what are you doing!" The red head yelled. Just then Beatrix let go. Sending the ball to a barrier that broke, revealing ruins a shadow fairy had seen once again in her dreams.
    As soon as she did Whisper crouched down and screamed in pain. The dark energy held inside was way too powerful for her, it hurt, her head was pounding, her body became heavy, she was breathing heavily.
   She couldn't focus on what Beatrix was saying, she could only hear screams, pain. It was all to overwhelming, the sensation she was feeling was a million times worse than anything she had ever felt. The small girl couldn't fight it. And so she fell.
    Bloom looked over to see Whisper struggling to even breathe, just as she started to make her way over to her the shadow fairy collapsed hitting her head on a rock. " shit! Whisper!" She ran over trying to get her up.
   Beatrix came down too and looked her over " she's not going to wake up soon, we haven't got anything to help her." She stated calmly. Bloom nodded and the two girls were able to get the silver haired girl into the back seat. The trio made started to make their way back to the school, Bloom and Beatrix talking about how the professors killed all those people, how Rosalind saved them. How to get more answers.
   However it was all cut short by an arrow hitting the car causing it to swerve. In the blink of an eye bloom was being taken by professor Harvey and Beatrix was given magic restraints the dug into her skin. " what are these things?" She whimpered. Her question was ignored, while bloom fought tirelessly against the professors. " take bloom, and help Whisper I'll handle this" Dowling instructed.
   Harvey managed to get Bloom in the back seat, while Silva rested the passes out fairy with her. The car ride was tense, bloom holding whispers head in her lap, answering professor Harvey's questions on the small girl's condition.
     By the time they pulled into school it was pitch black, standing by the front doors where all of the Winx suite, Bloom got out of the car and was immediately ambushed in hugs. " we were so worried about you" Aisha started, " legit freaking out," Musa added. " guys I'm fine Beatrix isn't some Monster she didn't do anything to me or Whisper". Bloom assured, " Bloom she killed Callum" Terra told, " who told you that?" The fire fairy immediately got defensive.
They didn't notice Whisper laying there until Silva walked toward the green house carrying her. However Sky did he had just approached the group, when he saw his father figure carrying her limp body. 'No' he thought, the specialist Sprinted over to Silva " is she- is she?" His voice was shaking, he couldn't finish the sentence, tears pulled his eyes. His little shadow, His Whisper, the girl he swore to protect, laying limp in his headmaster arms. His heart felt heavy, like his world fell apart. Similar to how he felt with Silva, but much stronger.
  " relax Sky, she had a pulse, and professor Harvey is going to look at her. She will be just fine." Silva soothed the boy nodded as he sniffled, trying to keep his emotions in check " good boy, now help me get her to the green house". Sky nodded again and took the small girl into his arms once more, kissing her forehead, as it rested up against his shoulders " please be alright little Shadow, I can't loose you" he whispered, so low no one but him could hear.

A/n - not going to lie, I felt like this could've been better. I'm happy with it but while writing I got a huge headache. And me being me didn't care to stop.
Anyways Enjoy!

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