It wasn't Alone

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Sky approached Silva in the specialist hall " Silva, seriously, pairing me with Bloom,it seems pretty obvious" the blonde reasons " well, Blooms a powerful fairy. Your a strong Specialist. Nobody questioned it. Whisper said you were trying to get something out of her this morning, what have you found out?" The headmaster asked.
" she hasn't said anything about her road trip with Beatrix, the only thing she told me was how Whisper got hurt-"that perked his interest "how?" Silva questioned, he knew she passed out but he didn't know how. Sky sighed, he hated think about it "she said that, wherever they were the energy was overwhelming, like when they were in that Forest and found you. Bloom said it became to much and she fell hitting her head. Does that help?" The blonde snapped a little angrier, thinking the information over he knew Whisper was going to get more involved, which is exactly what he didn't want to happen
" actually very much" Silva muttered, it was more to himself though. Truth be told it was quite a slip up for bloom, When Whisper toppled over in the forest there was death, pain, and Burned ones. That gave him a clue as to the location, just not the topic. " look I'm telling you, Bloom isn't some mastermind. The more time I spend with her the more I'm convinced of that, and the more I'm convinced..." " what is it?" The elder questioned the teenager in front of him, he knew this was more than just Bloom. His father instincts kicked in.
" Stellas gone, Riven is a mess, Whisper is t sleeping well she's very vulnerable, and the person I'm spending the most time with.... I am spying on" he ranted, it was becoming to much. The fixer wanted to fix the important people in his life, not spy on a suspected mastermind fire fairy. " what you are doing matters. You have to trust me. Everything I do and everything I've done is to keep the Otherworld safe. It's something your Father and I had in common, and yes, it is lonely,but there is an honor to that,Sky. Whisper is going to be just fine, per your request she is assisting me in the spars and hasn't left my side, focus on the mission" Silva comforted in the only way he knew how. Facts and tough love.
The boy looked down at the ground and sighed heavily, he nodded to Silva before walking off to his room to change.

Whisper was sitting With Harvey, Dowling, and Silva. Per their request she had videotaped most of the spars and they were now reviewing it. Dowling and Silva started arguing about training, when Whisper felt that pull, it was strong and urgent. She stood up looking towards the door in a trance ,catching the attention of the adults, Silva moved next to the girl " Whisper what is it?" Harvey asked. The small fairy just pointed to the door, when all of a sudden the famed Specialist Marco bursted through the door, clutching his chest.
" Marco what happened?" Silva asked getting him to the couch, " Noura and I were tracking a Burned One not far from the school. Once we killed it, we let our guard down." Marco lifted up his shirt to show a huge gash.
At this point Whisper was in the corner of the room, she had recalled a dream like this, she was sitting with people who were unidentifiable when bursted through someone. She always woke up from the shock of the door she never saw what was next. She could sense his fear, and pain, she put her hand on the wall reaching for the shadows, for some comfort.
" it wasn't alone." The injured specialist continued, " I'll go get some Zambian." Professor Harvey rushed. " How close was it to the school?" Dowling question. Although Marco was in too much pain to answer. Whisper noticed this and decided to help. " sorry for interrupting but, with your permission sir I can take away your sense of feeling, just so you can bare the pain" she offered, her voice was a bit Nervous.
   Marco looked at his old teacher looking for some reassurance, Silva nodded, if anyone could do it Whisper could. Marco then looked back at Whisper and nodded, that was all she needed to take his hand in hers. " just breathe and try to stay calm, your going to loose feeling over most of your body, however you can still move a bit and speak fine." She walked him through it. Slowly her eyes turned black and she was extremely Focused, one wrong move and she could seriously hurt him, no room for error.
    Marco sighed in relief when the pain went away, he looked down at whisper " who is she?" He asked catching his breathe. " a student." Silva replied, Whispers identity needed to stay secret with all this Burned One stuff going on, it would only end badly. The soldier nodded " Noura and the Battalion will take care of it. Don't worry. But... we were taught that the Burned Ones are solitary hunters. Two of them traveling together...." he expressed.
   Silva looked at Dowling " well, it's rare, but it happens." She said, keeping an eye on Whisper to make sure she was in control. " then we should alert the Solarians" Silva said into the headmistress ear. " we tried. They've been radio silent for days, and they pulled their troops from the battalion" Marco butted in.
    Whisper was sweating, it took a lot of control to keep just one sense away when the body is screaming in pain, furthermore when it's not her body. She had lost track of time until Dowling had placed a hand on her shoulder, " it's alright Whisper, Professor Harvey is back with the Zanbaq, I want you to slowly give Marco his touch back" she stated calmly. Whisper eyes slowly returned to normal as the pain Marco had returned cause the specialist to wince. Whisper fell back from exhaustion but was caught by Silva, " easy there, why don't you go wash up, and uh Whisper not a word to anyone. That's an order, Not even Sky, not yet" he directed to her.Whisper nodded and left the office.
   When she walked into her dorm she saw Terra filling her room up with plants. " Terra, sweetheart, as much as I love your green thumb I don't want to share a bed with your plants." She commented, the plump earth fairy Sheepishly Smiled, " right it's just-" " I know" was all Whisper said. poor Terra had missed Stella, and with Musa dating Sam, he would constantly come spend the night. Which meant Terra wouldn't, so Whisper gave her, her room while she stayed with Sky. Terras coping method was to stuff the room with plants, and let's just say, it wasn't the most effective.

After cleaning up a crashed pot, Whisper was moving through the Shadows towards Sky dorm. Yet another perk of being a Shadow fairy, you can't get caught sneaking in the shadows. That was until she saw the all to familiar red hair. Bloom. The small girl sighed, 'great, now I have to follow her' she thought. She sent a quick text to Sky saying she had to finish some homework really quick and then she would be over, god she hated lying to him.
   Whisper had followed Bloom through the shadows to the barn, where Beatrix was being held. ' of course' Whisper wasn't shocked, but she wasn't expecting this. Aisha had spoken to the group about Blooms behavior, how it had changed since Aster Dell, Whisper agreed. Bloom hasn't been the same, she been more closed of, and angry. If anyone knew what that meant it was Whisper.
    She saw Her talk to to Dane for a minute, it was his shift to guard and the other specialist appeared to be asleep. Whisper didn't dare go into the barn to hear what they were talking about, Beatrix could always tell when Whisper was there. Somehow. So the silver haired fairy waited outside in the shadows.
   After a couple of Minutes Bloom came back out, and Dane gave her something, a book. What would he giver a book? Whisper made a mental note to investigate later, but for now she wanted sleep, and Sky. So she left.
Sky and Riven were in their rooms playing some card game, after a talk the two decided to make up. They were best friends after all, Riven had just won when Whisper appeared from the Corner. " Riv, you didn't cheat did you?" She asked bringing some drink out for her bag for the boys. Whenever she came over it was like a sleepover, " what you don't think I've got the skill to beat your boyfriend?" He teased giving her their handshake. The trio laughed, and the fairy took her spot Next to the Blonde specialist who gladly wrapped an arm around her, kissing her head lightly " cmon little Shadow, show this ass what a good dealer you are" he taunted, Riven smirked " yeah, silv, show me" Whisper smirked " your on boys".
    And so the trio spent the Night playing games, and telling jokes. When they finally did go to bed Whisper was curled up against Sky, who held her protectively, and Riven was in his own bed. It was nights like this people forget to cherish, Nights where there is no test to study for, no workout to be done, no Nightmare to face. Just kids having fun, pretending that they are the only ones in the world, No responsibly, no stress, just happiness.
No one knew at the time but that was one of the last nights anyone would be happy.

A/N - another chapter! Most of this stuff was kinda boring but necessary for the plot, I tried to give it some action but it was difficult.

Other news it snowed today! Which is rare for me, it hasn't snowed in my area since 2017! So of course we played in it
I hope y'all enjoy !💕💕✨

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