Chapter 7

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I lay on the table strapped down waiting for Regina to explain what was happening. She connected different wires to my body as she talked.

"Once upon a time, Snow White killed the man I loved, so I vowed to kill her for my revenge. However, after a lot of hard work, I decided the best thing to do instead, was to hurt the people she loved... and herself. So I cast a wonderful curse... well, you've read Henry's book. But there was one problem. It was prophesized that a girl descended from Snow White and her Prince Charming, would be able to break the curse. It wasn't until a few years ago, I found out about you" She said

"What are you taking about? I'm not from here! I don't have parents" I said

"Oh, but you did, once. Rumple, woke about 18 years early and came to make another deal. He wanted me to owe him a favour for some vital information about the curse. I accepted his deal. He told me that a child was going to be brought to this world through a time portal and abandoned... You. You are Snow White's granddaughter" She said

"How is that my fault? You brought me here! Not the other way around!" I said scared and angry at the same time

"I wanted to keep an eye on you. Make sure you wouldn't break the curse, so I tracked you down and sent in an application to foster you. I then bought this contraption, so you have... some motivation to do what I tell you to do" She said with a wicked grin

"What does it do?" I asked in barely a whisper

"I'll show you" She said flipping a switch. My entire body seized up as electricity shot through every inch of it. She kept going, turning it on and off constantly as I screamed out in agonising pain. Why didn't anyone hear me?!

"Now, what your going to do, is crush Henry's fantasy. I want that book out of his head!" She said coming close to my face "Every day he believes, is another day I have to motivate you" She said.

"I have one question" I said struggling to breathe properly while tears streamed down my face

"What?" She asked

"Why do I have these dreams?" I asked

"It's a... kind of side effect. Because your from the future, you have dreams about things that have happened or will happen" She said

"So all my dreams, they're all true? They all really happened" I asked

"Yes" She replied. She untied my hands and feet and dragged me upstairs. I was so weak I couldn't walk. She locked the door and left me on the hallway floor. It took a long time, but I was eventually able to pull myself upstairs to my room.

I was the granddaughter of Snow White and Prince Charming? Does that mean Emma is my mom? I did dream about her and some guy! Were they my parents? That night as I lay in bed, I tried to focus on Emma and the man I saw, maybe if I focused enough, I would have a dream about them and that would tell me if they are my parents!

I woke up the next morning in pain. Everything hurt. My arm brushed against my wall and I nearly cried it hurt so much. The only good thing, was that I had an answer about my parents. Henry came running into my room

"Hey, why didn't you come in? You always talk to me in the mornings" He said

"Sorry, I did a workout last night and I guess I'm still sore from that. But I do need to talk to you... it's serious" I told him "Go finish getting ready for school and I'll walk you" He ran back to his room to finish getting ready.

5 minutes later we were out the door and walking a little slower than usual

"Ok, so I know why I'm not in the book. But I can't tell you how I know any of this stuff ok?" I said. I didn't want him having a worse opinion of Regina, yeah she's evil, but if he hated her, he wouldn't be able to hide it!

"Ok" He replied

"I am from the future. I was kidnapped from my parents and sent through a time portal and left to die. I am the granddaughter of Snow White. And the dream thing is to do with the whole future thing. It's a side effect, I see things that have or will happen" I told him

"So who are your parents?" He asked

"Emma and I'm not sure who my dad is but I've seen his face, I would be able to point him out" I replied

"Is your information reliable? You know, is your source truthful?" He asked

"Yeah it is" I replied. He stopped in the middle of the path and I stopped. He practically jumped on me as he hugged me

"That means your my real sister, not just my foster one" He said

"Aha yeah kid I guess I am" I replied smiling "I'll see you after school, Ok. Castle" I told him as he ran into school.

After school, I went to the castle and saw Henry and Emma talking. Emma came towards me

"He wants Mary-Margret to read to a coma patient" She said

"Ok, and?" I asked

"He thinks he's Prince Charming" She said

"Reading won't hurt him though, and it may help Henry see it is all make believe" I said to her. She left us alone and we messed around for a bit before going back to Regina's. She was home early and waiting for us

"Can you both come here please?" She asked. We went into the kitchen where she was waiting. We sat down on the stools confused before she put a piece of paper down and pushed it towards me

"What is it?" I asked looking at Regina. I looked down and the document said adoption form "You want to adopt me?" I asked

"It's been a month... We could be one big happy family" She said smiling over the top

"Hope?" Henry asked obviously wondering why I don't look happy

"Nothing would make me happier than to be your sister Henry" I said before picking up the pen and signing it. Henry jumped out his seat and hugged me really tight. There was nothing I wouldn't do to protect him. Regina can hurt me all she wants, there is no way I will let her lay a hand on Henry! If the only way to do that was by getting adopted, so be it!

"This is brilliant! I have a big surprise too, so I'm glad you said yes" She said grabbing my hand and pulling me out the kitchen "Close your eyes" I did "Henry, get the door" She said, I heard a door open. She kept leading me, telling me if I had to watch my step or anything. I could tell we were outside now. Eventually, we stopped "Open your eye!" I did. Sitting on the drive was a white, five seater convertible, three door, the roof was already down

"Are you serious?" I asked. She was adopting me and giving me a car when she clearly hates me! "Is this mine?" I asked

"Yes! Henry thought it would be a good idea since you pick him from school all the time since I can't" She replied

"I don't know what to say... thank you" I replied. I went to hug her and at first it was awkward but when we both stopped standing so stiffly, it was kind of... nice!

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