Chapter 23

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We had been walking in the woods for a while, trying to find any sign of David, but he was no where to be found! The woods were massive and we were trying to stick to the path, but as far as we're aware, he could be anywhere in here!

"This place is massive. How are we supposed to find one guy?" Ruby asked

"Hey, shh. We might be able to hear him" Emma said

"Its massive" Ruby repeated

"Im following the path because there are boot prints, so just stay close" Emma said

"I shouldnt even be here. Im just going to screw everything up. Oh, wait" She said stopping in the middle of the path, making me and Emma crash into her

"Ruby?" Emma asked

"I hear him. I hear him orsomething. I I know where he is. Dont you?" She asked running towards whatever she heard

"No. What are you doing?" Emma asked

"Hes over here!" Ruby yelled

"David? Oh, god. Come on! David, come on! Wake up! David, wake up!" Emma said crouching beside an unconscious David and shaking him till he woke up

"Emma? What? Ruby? Hope?" He asked confused

"Do you remember where you are?" Emma asked

"No, I What the hell? I was I was in your office. Did you bring me here?" David asked

"You dont remember anything since you were in my office? Last night?" Emma asked concerned

"No, I dont" He replied

"Come on, we have to take him to the hospital!" I said as the three of us helped him stand up and get him to Emma's car. Once we were at the hospital, Ruby went to the police station while Emma waited with David, and I waited for Emma in the seating area. She had said she would give me a lift home once David was alright. However, while I was still waiting for Emma to finish with David, Regina came walking past me and then came back, clearly surprised to see me

"What are you doing here?" She asked

"I was with Emma when she found David, she told me to wait so she could drive me home since it's already dark" I said. She didn't reply, just stormed past me right up to David and Emma and started having a go at them like usual! When Emma, David and Regina emerged, they all looked really pissed off

"Come on Hope" Regina said walking past me towards the exit

"Bye, get better David" I yelled as I chased after Regina and she drove me home. It wasn't that late, so after an awkward dinner, me and Henry put a movie on while Regina worked at the dining room table.

At around 9, I got a call from Ruby who was very upset and waiting outside for me. I grabbed my coat and went out to see her

"Hey, what's wrong, you sounded weird on the phone" I said running towards her. Straight away, she swept me up in a hug and held on tight "Hey, whatever it is, it's ok. You're ok" I said trying to reassure her

"Emma called me, she wanted me to go back to the toll bridge and look for something, anything... I found something" She said beginning to cry

"What was it?" I asked concerned

"It was a heart. A human heart!" She sobbed as I hugged her

"Oh my God!" Was all I could say. I held her for a while till she stopped shaking "Was it Katherine's?"

"We don't know. Emma has to send it off to be tested for DNA" She replied "I don't think sheriffing is my kind of job... maybe I should be a bike messenger" She said laughing a little

"Maybe, you should come back to the diner. I know you and Granny had a bad fight, but you love it there" I suggested

"Maybe your right" She replied

"Do you want to stay over? I can make the guest room up for you" I said. She nodded and I walked back inside with her clinging to my arm. I took her straight upstairs and got her some fresh pj's and I showed her how to work the shower. Once she was in the bathroom getting washed, I went back downstairs and told Regina what had happened, careful to not let Henry hear. She was fine with Ruby staying for the night, which I was pretty shocked about, but she was cool with it.

Once She had come out the shower, Henry and I sat with her for a bit playing car games on the bed to help distract her. Henry had to go to bed shortly after though and Ruby was clearly shattered too, so I left her alone and went to my own room.

The next morning, Mary-Margret was arrested for suspicion of murder. Katherine Nolan is dead.

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