Chapter 43: An Unexpected Problem

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Jason: 9 weeks, 6 days
Beth: 6 weeks, 1 day
Nicholas and Hudson: 3 weeks, 5 days
Freddy: 1 week
Gracelyn: 6 days
Marley: 40 weeks
Kitty: 40 weeks

What the girls are wearing:



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3rd POV:

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3rd POV:

        Marley woke up in bed, her back aching and stomach twinging. She immediately knew something was wrong. She shook Ryder, trying to wake him.

        "What?" he mumbled, turning to face her.

        "Something's wrong with the babies."


Marley's POV:

        My hands shook as I grabbed my purse and the hospital bag. A moment later, Mom joined me in the hallway.

        "Are you ready to go?" she asked.

        I nodded. Something was wrong with the twins; I could feel it. We needed to go to the hospital now.

        Mom and I slowly walked outside, where Ryder was in the car waiting for us. As soon as I had told him something was wrong, he shot up in bed, started to pace, and hadn't stopped worrying since.

        "Is the hospital open this early?" Ryder asked worriedly.

        It was currently 5:00 in the morning. "Yes. The hospital is always open, Ry."

        "Oh," he said. Ryder waited as my mom got in the backseat of the car with me, then said, "Are you ready?"

        "Yep," I said and Mom nodded in agreement.

        The drive to the hospital was uneventful, with Mom asking every so often if I was okay. Ryder finally pulled up to the hospital and asked, "Marley, do you and Ms. Rose want to get out?"

        "Yes. Just park the car and come in after us." I exclaimed. I had a sinking feeling that something was terribly wrong.

        Mom and I got out of the car and walked into the hospital. Mom rushed to talk with the secretary while I sat in a chair in the waiting room, exhausted.

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