Chapter 35: Sold!

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Jason: 3 weeks, 5 days
Quinn: 36 weeks, 6 days 
Santana: 34 weeks, 6 days
Tina: 34 weeks, 6 days
Brittany: 34 weeks, 3 days
Marley: 33 weeks, 6 days
Kitty: 33 weeks, 6 days


Puck's POV:

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Puck's POV:

        It was a beautiful morning, the sunshine warming my face. I saw Quinn in the backyard on a lounger, her face stretched in a smile as she relaxed in the sun.

        I grinned. It was a perfect day for my surprise that I had planned for Quinn. My phone rang, startling me. "Hello?"

        "Hey Puck, it's Robert. You still comin' this afternoon?"

        "Wouldn't miss it. Hey, thanks again for helping me."

        "No problem, Puck. See you soon."


        I put my phone down on the kitchen table and opened the back door. "Hey, babe, why don't we have lunch in about five?"

        "It's only 11:45, Puck," Quinn responded.

        "I know, but I have a surprise for you. And we have to eat lunch now or we'll be late."

        Quinn sat up, her eyes twinkling. "A surprise?"

        "That's right, Q."

        "Ooh!" she squealed excitedly. "We can have lunch now!"

        I laughed at Quinn's excitement. "Peanut butter and jam sandwich?"

        "Yes, please!" Lately, Quinn had been hardcore craving peanut butter and jam sandwiches. Somedays it was raspberry jam, or strawberry jam, or peach jam... Our fridge was literally stocked with every type of jam ever made.

        I headed inside and got all of the lunch essentials out. Five minutes later, I called Quinn for lunch. "Quinn, lunch's ready!"

        "Okay, I'm coming!" she called back.

        Once Quinn sat down, we began to eat lunch. The whole time she badgered me with questions about the surprise. I didn't let anything slip. For once, I had planned something special and I wasn't about to go ruining the surprise.


Puck's POV:

        "Are you ready?" I asked Quinn as she slowly walked down the stairs.

        "I am," Quinn grinned. "Are you sure you can't tell me where we're going?"

        "Nope!" I grinned back. "C'mon, let's get in the car."

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