Chapter 37: No School

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Jason: 4 weeks, 5 days
Beth: 1 week
Santana: 35 weeks, 6 days
Tina: 35 weeks, 6 days
Brittany: 35 weeks, 3 days
Marley: 34 weeks, 6 days
Kitty: 34 weeks, 6 days

What the girls are wearing:

Tina (left) and Santana (right):

Tina (left) and Santana (right):

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Tina's POV:

        I sat in class, staring out the window as my Math teacher droned on about goodness-knows what.

        "Okay, everyone!" she called out. "Please get out your math homework from yesterday!"

        I frantically turned to Santana, who was sitting next to me. "I didn't do the homework! What do I do?"

        Santana shrugged. "Lie. That's what I do."

        I turned back to my desk, my mind whirling. What was I supposed to do?

        "Hey," Santana tapped me. "I have an idea."

        "What is it?" I asked excitedly.

        "Don't get too excited. Here's what you're going to do. When Ms. Stevenson comes over, distract her while I think of a plan to get us out of here." Santana told me.

       "Got it," I said confidently.

        Ms. Stevenson walked over to where Santana and I were sitting and held out her hand. "Homework, please."

        I stared at her brightly-painted violet nails as I thought of what to say.

        "Hi, um... So the thing is, I was up all night watching Five Feet Apart, crying, and eating Snickers bars." I rambled. "You see, my hormones have been all over the place, and I've been really sleepy... And hungry. I was sleepy last night but didn't really go to bed at a good time. But my boyfriend has been really great!"

        Ms. Stevenson sighed and gave me a look. "Tina, that's not really an excuse."

        "B-but, I just-" I started to cry. "It's really hard to think about having a baby and taking care of them while doing school and my stress levels have been a bit high which is not good for the baby. I'm really sorry."

        I wasn't lying either about the stuff I was saying. It was all true.

        "Tina, I-" Ms. Stevenson started to say but was interrupted by Santana.

        "Oh my God!" Santana shouted, holding her belly in pain.

        "Santana, what's wrong?" Ms. Stevenson asked worriedly.

        "I-I'm not sure!" Santana said. "I think it's early labour pains; I don't know!"

        "Oh, well, uh..." Ms. Stevenson stammered. "Tina, can you drive Santana to get checked out?"

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