Chapter 28: Meeting Interrupted

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Rachel: 26 weeks and 5 days
Quinn: 24 weeks and 5 days
Santana: 22 weeks and 5 days
Tina: 22 weeks and 5 days
Brittany: 22 weeks and 2 days
Marley: 21 weeks and 5 days
Kitty: 21 weeks and 5 days

What the girls are wearing:

What the girls are wearing:

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Santana's POV:

        I was checking the mail when I saw an envelope at the back of the mailbox slot. Curious, I grabbed it. I turned it over. It said, " Addressed to Ms. Santana Lopez".

        I opened the envelope and read the letter that was inside. It said:

Dear Santana,

I'm sorry that we fought; I would like to talk to you about it. Please come to Dalton, I will be waiting in the choir room for you. I love you, Santana.

Love, Sebastian        

        I shook my head and re-read the letter. I hadn't expected this.

        If Sebastian was asking me to go to Dalton, I'd better go.

        " I guess I'm going to Dalton." I muttered as I got in my car.

Meanwhile at one block over...

Quinn's POV:

        " Guys, she's getting in her car!" Rachel exclaimed excitedly.

        " Yeah, we can see that." Kitty replied.

        " Okay, Rachel, get the car," I said and Rachel hopped in the passenger seat. " We're going to follow her to Dalton."

        " I'll call Kurt." Rachel said as she dialed Kurt's number. " Hi, Kurt... Yeah, she's on her way, we think. Yep. Bye."

        " Okay, let's go."


Santana's POV:

         I pulled up to Dalton Academy after driving for 30 minutes straight. I got out of my car and walked into the school. I ignored the secretary's calls and headed towards the choir room.

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