Author's Note: A Sequel

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Hi, my lovely readers! I can't believe I'm done writing the first story I ever started on Wattpad! Wow! I'm kind of sad that this is finished... I want to thank all of you for your support, votes, and comment, even if you were a silent reader :) I hope you've enjoyed this story as much as I had writing it! I gained a lot of friends through writing this book, and I am so very thankful for that! I was thinking I might do some sort of sequel to this! I was thinking like a book of one-shots, just to give insight on what went on before the epilogue. PM me your one-shot ideas if you have any!  I can't believe this has already come to an end! Well... See you in the one-shots book :)


P.S. There will be an actual sequel to this after the one-shots book... that's what I'm currently working on as of right now!

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