|I havde made a change in the way that my story will be written. Firstly I will only say the point of view in the chapter title although if there is a change within the chapter I will tell you. Also, the story will also be from the point of view of Jack and Jaegar. It means this way you will understand more. So this chapter is in the point of view of Jack , he lives in the human world.
I swear I have just met the most amazing girl I have ever met.
She's not that pretty, or stand-outish. Just wow. Wow.
"Um, are you coming? Maths is this way." She calls. I realised that I had just stopped in thought in the middle of the corridor and she had just carried on walking.
I've always hated maths. I've always been better at sword fighting, but of course humans don't teach that in regular schools. The filthy mudbloods.
I follow on.
"Um, sir. This is Jack. He's new." She said, explaining my presence to the teacher. I can't helpp but notice that Um seems to be Callies favourite word. But I don't comment because I fear I would be punched.
"Thank you Cameron." He replied, with a smile.
"Jack, you should probably sit down. You can take a seat wherever you please." The teacher told me. So I did just that, I took a seat next to Cammie. But she didn't seem to pleased herself.
"You!" She exclaimed.
"Yes, it is I."
"Jack." She said, begining to get frustrated.
"Yes." But I got no reply.
"Cammie?" I persist.
I turn to face her and see that she is completley zoned out. Her focus is on the ceiling.
"Cammie? I know maths is boring but there is no need to be disrespectful." I say, I have only known her for around twenty minutes but I understand her. By telling her she is insulting someone else I am sure she will have some sort of reply for me.
"Disrespectful, how am I being disrespectful? And to who?" My plan had worked, Cammie always had questions.
"Just checking if you were alive."
"I, I just zone out sometimes." She explains.
"Me too, I understand. It's just I was wondering if you were ok." I said hesitantly.
"I'm fine!" She says, but I hear anger in her voice. Hmmm, fine. The word humans use to cover everything up, to make everything go away.
The word they use when they are anything but fine.
"Yeah right." I say and alnmost immediatley regret it.
She gives me the evil glare and I just return the favour.
"Why would you care?" She asks.
"What? Don't you want me to?" I retort.
I am probably over reacting loads. I guess I am just really sensetive. But strangely enough she smiles and nods.
"Please care." She whispers. This is soppy I know, but I do.
I raise my eyebrows. Stick my tounge out. And in pure awesomeness I put my headphones in.
I turn to face her and she doesn't look at all hurt. In fact she is laughing. So I take one headphone out and pass it to her; She laughs again. I press play.
The song playing is called a Thousand Years. I put it on repeat.
"You know that is the firat time I've ever laughed in a maths lesson." She grins.
"Sames!" I smile.
We walk out of the lesson together, headphones still in and all!