chapter 10: an unexpected trip

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The next couple days pretty much followed the same schedule: sleeping, ordering food, playing minecraft, and the occasional tension between Dream and I.

Karl had been living the streamer lifestyle for a while now, which I was used to, and their visit hadn't changed much at all to be honest. It was the same chill days spent, just with more people.

But, my favorite thing about the boys is that they were also super spontaneous. We never really had a plan for the day, and just went with the flow which was really refreshing compared to my normal, control-freak self.

Right now, we were all hanging out in the living room, except Sapnap who was streaming in the recording room. Their fans still didn't know they were together, but after they had all been MIA for a couple days, many already had speculations.

I was scrolling through twitter, laughing at the replies to Dream's ambiguous tweet from earlier, when George leaned over my shoulder to look at my phone, "I'm bored," he whined.

"Then go to sleep," I replied, "It's all you do anyways," focusing my attention back to my phone. He groaned in response and moved on to annoying Dream, who was sitting next to us.

"When are we going to your house Dream?" George asked randomly. Dream's focus was also directed at his phone, "I don't know, maybe sometime," he said.

"I wanna see Dream's house!" Alex jumped up from the couch. "I mean, yeah, you guys could probably come visit me sometime in the future," Dream chuckled, sliding his phone into the pocket of his shorts.

"Ok, let's go!" Alex said bluntly, as there wasn't anything surprising about his suggestion. "Oh my god yes HAHAH," George burst out laughing, and also got up from the couch.

Karl came out of the kitchen, a monster energy drink in hand, "Wait, what are we doing?" he laughed through sips. "Nothing! I did not agree to this!" Dream exclaimed, shooting George and Alex a look.

"No, no, no, I want to see Dream's house," George laughed, not letting it go. "WOOO WE'RE GOING TO DREAM'S HOUSE!" Quackity shouted. This finally peeled my attention from my phone, "We're doing what now?!" I looked Dream.

"I mean," he sighed, "I guess we technically could." The room erupted in screams, "WE'RE POPPING OFF," George and Karl shouted together. Between shouts, Karl paused, "Wait Dream only if you're actually ok with it."

"...Yeah let's do it," Dream finally gave in and with that a door opened in the hallway, and Sapnap came out rubbing his eyes. "What the hell is going on? I had to end my stream, my chat was going crazy," he yawned. "Pack your bags! We're going to Dream's house," George whooped.

"Wait right now?" I shot up from the couch. Karl looked at Dream for approval and he nodded. "WHAT THE FUCK I GOTTA GO!" I yelled, running to my room. "Hurry up!" Alex shouted after me.

—Dream's POV———
"Well," George grinned, "I'm definitely not bored anymore,"

Sapnap laughed, "Has anyone even considered how we're gonna get there?" "Driving? How else?" Karl replied. "It's like 8 hours holy shit!" Alex exclaimed, looking up from his phone after checking google maps.

"We can get a hotel in the middle," I shrugged. "Yeah you'd like that wouldn't you?" Sapnap looked at me with a teasing glance. I rolled my eyes, "I mean if you wanna drive 8 hours straight, by all means Sapnap."

"So," Alex typed away at his phone, "Halfway would be like 4 hours in..." he trailed off and Karl interrupted. "No way we're actually doing this," he laughed.

Sapnap was already throwing some spare clothes in a backpack and yelled over his shoulder, "No we definitely are, I'm set on it now!"

I have no clue how this plan came to be, and realizing we had no idea how long we were staying, I threw some essentials in a bag as well. Luckily, I have all my stuff at home too.

I was definitely excited to show everyone my house, and I'm a clean person so I didn't have to worry about it not being prepared, but for some reason I was still nervous about the idea. Maybe it was because of the lack of spare bedrooms I knew I had, or just the insane spontaneity in general.

—Y/N's POV———
"Y/N COME ON WE'RE LEAVING!" Karl shouted from the front hallway. "What! It's been like five minutes!" I yelled back, frantically stuffing my toiletries and spare clothes into a backpack.

This was all very surreal, but before I knew it, I was sitting in the car, at 3 am, driving to Florida. What the actual fuck.

Karl had offered to take the first driving shift, which made sense since it was his car, and Dream was in the passenger seat. Luckily, we took the larger car this time, so everyone had a seat, but it was still cramped. While Quackity and George were lounging in the back row, Sapnap and I were sitting in the middle, chatting with Karl and Dream.

The first couple of hours passed surprisingly quickly, but at hour 3 I was starting to get really bored. Alex and George had both fallen asleep, and Sapnap was watching some animated tv show on his phone.

A little while ago, Dream and Karl switched spots because Karl could barely keep his eyes open. Now, as the sun was starting to come up, only Dream and I were awake.

"I don't remember the last time I watched a sunrise," I yawned, "Sure as hell wouldn't have thought it would be on the way to Orlando."

Even though he was facing away from me, watching the road, I saw a smile creep onto his face. He then let his right hand reach back to rest on my thigh, and replied with "I'm glad it is though."

My eyes looked down to see his thumb rubbing small circles on my leg and I melted under his touch. "Me too," I sighed contently, noticing Dream eyeing me through the rear-view mirror with a small smirk.

//author's note
ahhh we're at 900 reads ty guys!! if you enjoy this story please consider voting it helps the story out a lot :]

word count: 1054

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