chapter 29: finally all mine

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I jumped up from my chair, running towards him as the duffel bag he was holding dropped to the floor. His arms wrapped around my waist, lifting me off the ground as I embraced him tightly.

He set me down while I leaned back to look at him, not letting go. "What! I- How?" A million thoughts were flying through my brain. How was he here right now?

I glanced across his face, looking for an explanation even though I couldn't suppress my bright smile. But instead of answering, he only grinned, pulling me close again and planting his lips onto mine.

"Uh- oh!" I heard Karl laugh in the back, as he probably covered his eyes. Dream pulled back with a smirk, "What? You don't want me here?", he teased, our faces still only inches apart.

"Yeah I mean now that we've kissed you can go again," I giggled, observing his sarcastically shocked face.

"I'm no simp," I continued, turning my head away.
A hand stopped me, grabbing my jaw firmly, but his touch was still gentle.

Dream's thumb brushed across my swollen lips, before leaning in again and whispering, "Yes you are," and with that, our lips connected once again as I melted under his grasp.

"Get a room!" Karl yelled from behind us. Dream released me with a laugh, turning to Karl, "You were the one that set this up!"

I also looked to Karl confused, "You knew?!". He nodded back, and suddenly everything started to make sense.

The texts, the call from Dream, the constant phone-checking earlier, the café that happened to be near the airport. Then another thought crossed my mind, "How long are you staying?!" I asked Clay eagerly.

"Well..." he replied, turning around and reaching into his backpack. Just when I thought it couldn't get anymore surprising, he pulled out two slips of paper and handed them to me, "Happy birthday Y/N."

They were plane tickets. To Florida.

"Oh my god," I gasped, then realizing what he had said, "How did you know?!" He only chuckled and glanced over at Karl.

"I'm sorry! It just slipped out and then he booked the flights as a present!" Karl exclaimed in defense, giggling as Clay and I sat back down at the table.

"Again," Dream laughed, "1000 IQ moment." He slide into the seat next to me, a comforting hand landing on my thigh shortly after.

Another light bulb went off in my head, "IS THIS WHAT YOU MEANT BY BEING OFFLINE TODAY?"

"Yep," he broke into a wheeze, laughing at my confusion. "YOU FUCKER!" I shouted, hitting him in the shoulder, "I thought you were mad at me!"

"Yeah I'm gonna give you guys a moment to catch up," Karl laughed as Dream rubbed his shoulder in pain and got up to leave, "I'm going to the bathroom."

"Ow! The fuck was that for?" Dream exclaimed, shoving me back playfully. "For not telling me," I replied, reaching to hit him in the arm again.

He caught my wrist, stopping me, "I wanted it to be a surpriseee," he dragged out in the raspy voice he knew I couldn't handle.

"Well," I pulled my arm from his grasp, "I don't like surprises."

He scoffed, "Who doesn't like surprises?", leaning towards me again, his finger tapping against my leg.

"Me." I stated, holding a straight face as his taps sent small sparks through my body.

"Hmph," Much to my dislike, he pulled away again, "I guess I'll have to return these tickets," Clay sighed.

"No—" I bit my lip, stopping myself and trying not to give in to his teasing.

"What was that?" he smirked, "Come again?"

"I hate you."

"You love me." he chuckled back.

"Yeah, I do."

His laughter ceased immediately, eyes meeting mine. "What?" he croaked, voice slightly cracking. This was dead serious. No more playful insults, no more teasing, no more jokes.

"I- I love you," I whispered. And for the first time after being bold with him, instead of instant regret I felt closure. After hiding my true emotions behind humor for so long, I was finally serious. So, so serious.

I held my breath, awaiting his response. His mouth was open, unable to speak for a couple seconds, and then it curled into a bright smile, "Wow, never thought you'd actually admit it."

"Shut up and say it back idiot," I pouted while he laughed, nuzzling his face into my neck.

"I love you too," he breathed against my jaw.

The small sparks ignited into a wildlife that spread through me rapidly. But naturally, I had to break this picture-perfect moment, "Simp."

I felt his hot breath against my skin again as he scoffed at my immature comment. I giggled back, brushing my hand through his soft hair.

"Don't get too cocky now," he smirked, pulling back up and hovering above my face as to remind me of his power over me. I watched as a moment of realization hit him, "You're finally all mine," he whispered.

Normally, I would protest, make a joke out of it, or even insult him, but I couldn't help leaning into his chest, yearning his warmth. I had completely surrendered myself to him.

Another bright smile broke out on my face as I remembered the plane tickets.

"So...when are we leaving for Florida?" I murmured against the soft fabric of his familiar hoodie, lost in its comfort. He smiled, petting my hair just like I had done to him before.

"We're going home..." Clay paused, pulling out his phone to check the time, "In about an hour."


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