chapter 21: goodbye

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The car was fairly quiet on the way to the airport. Everyone had dreaded this moment for the last couple days, but this visit has definitely been like a fever dream; the best fever dream I've ever had.

"You guys have to promise to visit again soon," Karl said from the driver's seat, eyes searching for the correct airline sign as we entered the drop-off zone of the airport. "Of course," Dream chuckled.

"Don't worry Karl, sugar daddy Dream will buy you tickets to visit us!" Sapnap joked. "How could I forget? Daddy Dream!" Karl joined in the laughter as he pulled the car over.

"You guys are idiots," Dream scoffed with a slight chuckle and was the first to step out of the car. He circled around and went to open the trunk.

The rest of us continued to laugh, but also starting getting out of the car. As I stepped out a cold wind hit my face, making me shiver.

Dream and Sapnap were already setting the luggage down on the side of the road, and I turned to hug George goodbye.

"Bye Y/N," he laughed, as I clutched onto him tightly. "Bye Gogy," I giggled with my head rested on his shoulder.

George went to hug Alex and Karl next, but the air was almost knocked out of me when Sapnap crashed into me, pulling me into a huge hug as well.

"SAP OH MY GOD!" I laughed from surprise, but hugged him back almost instantly. "Gonna miss you," he whispered, and I practically physically awed. Definitely could have broken down sobbing right then and there.

"Yeah I mean I guess I'll miss you too," I laughed as I pulled back from the hug.

Finally, I turned to Dream. His eyes were already on me and a soft smile was planted on his face. I smiled back, this goodbye was the definition of bittersweet.

I smashed into his chest, hugging him tightly. "Jesus," he laughed, but quickly wrapped his arms around me, resting his head on mine.

A few moments of holding each other as close as possible passed. "What if I don't want to take it slow anymore?" I asked quietly, slightly muffled as my face was buried in his hoodie. "What?" he moved his head, pulling back to look at me.

"You coming Dream?" George shouted in the background, him and Sapnap had already started walking away and were waiting for him at the large glass doors of the airport.

I watched his eyes dart to them, looking conflicted. "I have to go," he spoke hesitatingly, as if it was forced, "We can talk about this when I get home, ok?"

Those words hit my chest with a painful pang, and I backed up from him, keeping my head down. Was I too late? Where was this boldness all week when I needed it?

But, he still didn't leave my side. "Clay! Stop simping boarding starts soon!" Sapnap yelled, standing next to George with their suitcases.

And then, to mine— to everyone's surprise, he flipped Sapnap off with one hand, and grabbed my face with the other, smashing his lips onto mine.

He caught me by complete surprise, causing me to gasp slightly as he smirked against my mouth.

I heard Karl and Alex say something in the background, but I was too caught up in the moment to be able to make it out.

Dream's grip on my jaw softened as he pulled back slightly. With his face still only inches away from mine he whispered to me, "I don't want to take it slow either."

And with that he grabbed his suitcase, running over to Sapnap and George, who gave us one last wave before turning and disappearing into the airport crowd.


I collapsed on my bed, still trying to process everything that happened in the last couple of hours. Half of me was already missing him, and the other half was replaying our kiss over and over again.

Not to mention the fact that Alex and Karl had teased me about it all the way home from the airport.

I spent rest of the night in my room alone, it almost a way to recover from the rollercoaster of emotions that the visit had brought about.

Sipping a monster, my college notes spread out across my bed, I watched Alex's stream. Him and Karl were in the recording room playing Outlast.

I chuckled as I heard a scream from downstairs, and laughed even harder when it replayed a second time on my laptop.

Reaching for my phone, I checked the time, it was already 1:00 am. About 3 hours had passed since we left the airport and I wondered when Dream and Sapnap would be landing. Then, asif he had telepathic abilities, a notification appeared on my lock screen.

iMessage from clay dream (had to do it to em)
just landed :) i'll call u soon!

Ew. I thought, realizing I had just PHYSICALLY SMILED at my phone because of a white man.


There. That's better.

Only seconds later my phone rang. Even though I knew it was him, I still giggled seeing his contact name pop up.

"Why the FUCK did you send me a 'k'?"

Trying to hold back laughter I responded, "What happened to hello? how are you?"

"AYO Y/N STOP PLAYING WITH MY BOY DREAM'S FEELINGS!" Sapnap exclaimed through laughter.

I wheezed into my phone's microphone and Dream laughed, "Oh yeah, you're on speaker."

"He's the one playing with my feelings Sap!" I complained.

"What no I'm not!"

"YOU'RE WHAT!" Sapnap's voice boomed through my phone.

"I'm not! I'm not!" Dream tried to defend himself.

I couldn't keep it together hearing Dream and Sapnap argue, breaking into a laughing fit.

"Aren't you- aren't you in the car?" I managed to make out.

"YEAH AND I'LL PULL THIS BITCH OVER RIGHT NOW!" Sapnap continued screaming, as Dream tried to contain his laughter next to him.

"I'm- I'm gonna have to call you back love," Dream said sarcastically through wheezes, and I laughed back, but the nickname still made my heart skip a beat.

"DON'T YOU DARE HANG UP—" Sapnap yelled through my phone, but he was cut off by the ended call tone.

//author's note
def more of a silly chapter but i think it's still a banger also omfg thank you for all the support i hit 20k reads like 2 days ago and now we're almost at 30k you guys are crazy <3

word count: 1094

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