chapter 26: jealousy

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My late night call with Dream ended rather awkwardly. Something changed after I fell asleep, but I had no idea what.

Being sick of confusion with my feelings, I decided to push it aside and assess the other thing a woke up to. A twitter dm.

twitter dm's
hi y/n! i found you from karl's stream the other day and I was wondering if you wanted to join me and some other people on a geoguesser stream tonight! let me know :)

Oh. my. god. I rushed downstairs to tell Karl excitedly, but don't get me wrong, I was internally screaming.

Wilbur has been a comfort streamer for me for a while now, and secretly, I've always found him really attractive.

Another secret of mine, I had a small geoguesser addiction. So this dm was kind of sent from the heavens.

After telling Karl, who still seemed a little down that Alex had to leave earlier than expected, he agreed that it was a great idea. Alex left last night, and I too already missed his energy in the house already.

I took my time eating some breakfast, thinking I still had a while until I had to get ready for the stream, but then I realized he meant tonight as in UK time, which was more like in an hour.

"Oh shit," I said through my cereal, getting up to quickly put the bowl in the dishwasher. Seconds later I got another dm from Wilbur.

twitter dm's
brilliant! so if you want we're already in a vc to hang out while I'm getting the stream ready. let me know and i'll add you to the call rn!

yeah gimme like 5 mins and i'll be on!

FUCK. I rushed to my room, threw on the hoodie that was resting on the back of my desk chair, and brushed through my hair quickly.

Before joining the discord server Wilbur linked me to, I looked down quickly, realizing the sweatshirt I was wearing was the one Dream had given me in Florida. I missed him.

"Y/N! So glad you could make it!" a british voice rang through my headset— Wilbur. "Thanks for inviting me!" I smiled, looking through the other vaguely familiar names in the voice call. Besides Wilbur and I, there were two others— Jack Manifold and Tubbo.

I've heard of both of them, but this was our first time speaking. And while Wilbur was starting his stream, we had a really great first chat. I immediately clicked with Jack's sarcastic humor, mine being similar, and Tubbo was super sweet.

After playing a couple rounds, Wilbur and I were closely tied, and he was shocked by my skill. "You're insane!" he yelled after I locked in the correct country once again.

"I'm in my geoguessr era right now," I laughed, "I played a load with George while he was here and now I'm lowkey obsessed."

I had also played with Dream a lot, but for some reason, I didn't feel the need to mention it.

"Yeah, well, it shows," he said, his low chuckle seeping through my ears. Fuck. No no no, why did that give me butterflies.

I giggled awkwardly, not knowing what to say to which Wilbur only laughed as well, "Aw cute," he whispered under his breath, "But I'm going to win this round."

Jesus christ. I glanced over at my second monitor that displayed Wilbur's stream, the chat was filled with people shipping us.

Suddenly, guilt swept through me as I remembered Clay. We were basically dating, just not publicly, and here I was, sitting in his hoodie, borderline flirting with Wilbur.

As I got quiet, Wilbur changed the subject, "So you've played with George? We should ask him if he wants to join. He's pretty good as well."

"Gogy!!" Tubbo laughed, while Jack was still complaining about being the last one to figure out the last country.

"He's probably sleeping," Wilbur joked.

I looked to the chat again, but now it was spamming something completely different. DREAM.

"Why are you guys spamming Dream? Is he in chat?" Wilbur asked just as I noticed it too.

Almost panicked, I scrolled up in the chat to find his message. And there it was:

@/dreamwastaken: I'll play.


"Dream if you're down to play dm me and I'll add you to the call!" Wilbur suggested with a smile I could see on his stream.

Only a few seconds later, the discord join tone sounded, and his familiar raspy voice came through my ears. It was odd hearing it in a group after we hadn't spoken in a bit.

"Dream!" Wilbur clapped his hands together. "Hello Wilbur, Jack, Tubbo..." he paused, "And Y/N."

He dragged out my name, isolating it from the others. It brought back a thousand memories from the last couple of weeks. Both the good and the bad. The bliss and the confusion.

"Hi Clay," I said, deciding to mess with him a little. I received a singular laugh back, seeping with tones of annoyance.

"So you guys are on first name basis now?" Jack joked, trying to break the uncomfortable atmosphere.

"Oh yeah, we're on much more of a basis than that actually," Dream replied— you could hear the smirk in his stupid voice.

While the rest of the voice call laughed awkwardly at his comment, I grabbed my phone, typing out an angry message.

iMessage - clay
c- what? :)
y- don't :) me i'm not ranboo that shit doesn't work on me

Clay's loud laugh came through headset again, making me break into a smile as well while Wilbur and the rest were setting up another round.

c- if you get to flirt on stream so can i
y- i was not flirting
c- mhm
y- why you jealous?
c- no
y-really? then why did you suddenly feel the need to join the call
c- to remind you you're mine

My heart skipped a beat, getting terribly distracted from the game. I hated the way a single text from him could affect me this much.

"Y/N? You good?" Wilbur laughed, as I noticed everyone had already guessed the country.

"Oh shit," I said out loud, quickly setting my phone down, but then a red tab came up on my screen:
You're knocked out!

I groaned, while the others laughed, "How! You were literally destroying us before Dream joined," Tubbo exclaimed, as I realized Dream was now in the lead. Before I could respond my phone vibrated again.

y- fuck you
c- tempting but i'll have to decline
y- i hate you
c- you love me

Shaking my head, I chuckled as they finished the round, "I let Dream win this one, I'm shitting on all of you next game."

"Alright we'll see about that." Dream laughed back.


"LET'S GO EAT THAT BITCH!" I yelled after winning the final round which was only Dream and I. The call erupting in laughter as Dream slammed his desk over and over again, yelling "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!"

The laughter died down slowly and as Wilbur went to start a new round Dream spoke up, "I'm actually going to head out, I have some stuff to do, but thanks for letting me play Will."

"Ok no problem!" Wilbur replied, "We're planning on playing again tomorrow, you interested?"

"Actually," he hesitated suspiciously, "I think I'll be offline all day tomorrow,"

//author's note
anyway love u all have a good day and don't forget to eat something and drink some water! :]

word count: 1298

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