Chapter Seventeen

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"What-," Ike stared at the bomb switch. "STOP!"

Evan held up his hand, watching Ike slowly pull his hand back.

"I think we just activated the bomb," Ike whispered.

"What? I thought you were deactivating it."

"I thought I was," Ike whispered. "Aaron switched it... he tricked me."

"Well, deactivate it," Evan pointed. "Ike! Come on!"

"I've seen this type of bomb," Ike whispered. 

"Let's get out of here," Evan pulled his brother's arm.

"Give me the passcode Charlie," Aaron screamed. "Or do you want everyone to die in here today?"

"I already gave it to you," she screamed, pointing to the USB in his coat pocket. "Now, tell me how to turn it off."

"What makes you think there's only one bomb," Aaron asked, pointing to the USB. "Besides, you only gave me the files... I want everything."

"That wasn't part of the deal," Charlie snapped.

"You two were part of a deal," Chris asked. Charlie looked back at him.

"Why, yes," Aaron nodded. "Why don't you tell him Charlie?"

"I'm-," Charlie gasped as she saw Evan and Ike being ushered inside the room.

"Tell them the truth," Aaron pointed. Ike and Evan focused their attention to Charlie.

"You stole his network," Charlie snapped. "You don't think I wouldn't want it?"

Aaron cocked his head, shaking it slightly.

"I stole your network, so what? It was never yours to start with," Charlie exclaimed. "My father worked himself to death for that network. He wanted it to be easier for the cops to file criminals and keep track of their cases."

"Until?" That one word caused Charlie to tighten her jaw again. "Tell them Leilani!"

"Stop," Charlie shook her head.

"Want me to continue this? Alright," Aaron looked at the Harrison's. "Until her father got the power. He knew what his network was capable of and he used it to abuse the system. He began bribing all the dirty cops.. why do you think I went after him? Huh? You think I was going to let dirty cops control New York? I had to get rid of the problem, so I did. Until Charlie came into the picture. What happened to Michael Turner? Jayna Walter? Reva Holmes? Richard McCallister? Ask her!"

Glancing over at Ike, she could see his confused expression.

An explosion blasted them all across the room.

Outside, Aubrey crouched down, covering Daisy when the first explosion went off. The on duty officers turned as the glass doors burst from the sudden heat.

"EVERYBODY BACK," a police officer yelled.

"My husband is still in there," Aubrey pointed.

Groaning, Charlie pushed herself up from the ground. She used the back of her hand to touch her raw, exposed cheek. Everything seemed to hurt as she moved to try to stand up.

"Ike," Charlie cried out, seeing Ike laying down not too far away from her. "Ike!"

Cupping his face with her hands, she began to shake him. The more she tried, the more it seemed to work. Opening his eyes, Ike glanced at Charlie.

"Where's Aaron," he asked as Charlie pushed the debris off of him, helping him to a sitting position. He hissed, pressing his hand over his torso.

"I-," Charlie looked across the demolished room to see Aaron pushing the back door into the outer lobby. She shook her head, looking down at his bleeding torso. "You-."

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