Chapter Five

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"What are you doing," Ike whispered as he downloaded the shipping files. "Awful lot of shipping."

He pulled the cable out from his laptop, sticking it back into the server. He got what he needed and before anything, he sent the files right to Evan.

"Of course-," Aaron walked into his office to find Ike sitting on the couch. "You're still here! I thought you'd be out venturing."

"I said I had some things to do," Ike nodded as Denise smiled at him again.

"We are going to order some food? Would you like something," Denise questioned as she pulled out her phone.

"Love some," he smiled, sending the last of the files. Aaron nodded, sitting down behind his desk. Ike continued to type, although he felt Aaron watching him.

"You go to college?"

"Me? No."

"How did you become so good with computers?"

"My brother."

"Oh, Evan?"

"No," Ike shook his head, trying to avoid the conversation.

"Oh, Lucas," Aaron closed his eyes. "I... I'm sorry for your loss. I didn't know- I thought he had just gotten transferred."

"No," Ike clenched his jaw slightly.

"What happened? If you don't mind me asking." Ike glanced at him, shifting in his seat. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to pry."

"It happened seven years ago," Ike stared at his computer screen, wiping his nose. "I'm a bit jet-lagged. I think I'm going to check into the hotel."

"Tell Amanda downstairs to call you the car," Aaron pointed. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Ike was in fact tired and he felt it more as he made his way downstairs. When Amanda called for his cab, he waited outside, constantly checking his phone. He was surprised that Evan hadn't texted him yet. Shaking the thought, he climbed into the car as it pulled it had pulled up.

"The Hyatt Regency," Ike stated to the cab driver. "At the Arch."

Ike tossed his duffel bag onto the bed as soon as he walked into his room. He decided to take a shower, letting the warm water hit his back for a while. The case kept running around his mind, time after time after time. How could Aaron be dealing with such a large shipping company? What was he shipping out? Computers? Now it just sounded stupid. Of course he's shipping! He's a stinking computer company! Groaning, Ike shook his head. Was he already loosing this touch? Maybe he was just tired.

He walked out of the bathroom half dressed, tossing his towel over his bare torso. Once again, Ike had reached a dead end.


Ike dialed Evan, holding the phone to his ear.

"Tell me you found something better than I did," Ike pinched his nose.

"Those shipping information. You'll never guess whose case it matched?" Ike perked up, staring out the window. "Officer Kennedy. He was after the same shipping company, Fast Track. It's the same one Aaron has been sending his things out with."

"Really? Do you think that there is more linked between them? What about Kelly? You said she had been investigating operations on the docks. Did you see if any of the shipping involves boat shipping?"

"I'd have to double check but I want to think yes... How is it over there?"

"The guy has his personal server... this probably explains why. He doesn't want anyone interfering with his own work."

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