Chapter Thirteen

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Ike wasn't even looking at Charlie when he felt her hand on his. He looked down at it before glancing over at her, smiling slightly. Leaning forward, she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him as tightly as she could. He was surprised at the gesture but by feeling the meaning in her hug, he could only hug her back. 

"I'm so sorry," Charlie whispered, shaking her head. "I- I wouldn't want that for anyone... but explains the tension between your dad and you."

Ike only nodded, looking down at the asphalt. 

"I'm glad you told me," Charlie put her hand on his back. "I mean it."

"I haven't told anyone," Ike admitted. 

Charlie smiled at him, rubbing his back again. Standing up, she held out her hand to him.


"What do you mean what? I think you deserve a breakfast."

"It's three in the morning."


Upstate New York
"Thank you Elisa," Aaron smiled as she finally sat down at the dinner table. To Evan, he hated knowing he had to play this everything-is-alright card knowing that the man responsible for the whole thing is not even feet away from him. Aubrey grabbed his hand under the table, forcing him to look at her instead of anyone else.

"You have a lovely home," Denise smiled, taking her time to appreciate the place. "You've always lived here?"

"Since we've been married, yes," Chris chuckled, taking a slice of the dinner meat. "Over what? 35 years?"

"About so," Elisa nodded as she handed the plate of mash potatoes over to Daisy.

"Do you live near by," Aaron asked, keeping casual conversation with Evan. Evan shook his head, taking the plate from Aubrey's hands. "In the city I see! Country life doesn't suit you?"

"It would," Evan admitted, taking a look at him. "But at the moment, the city is just more convenient."

"Do you like the city," Aaron smiled warmly at Daisy.

"Yes but I like Grandpa's house better,"  Daisy nodded, looking over at her Grandpa for his usual goofy grin. Elisa glanced out the window at the strange movement she thought she had seen. 

"You okay," Chris whispered.

"Yeah- fine," Elisa gripped his hand before standing up. "Anyone want something else?"

"I think we are good," Denise nodded before turning to Aubrey. "How is it? Married to a cop?"

"Oh, it's fun," Aubrey laughed. "Can be hard at times but I know he's doing his duty. People need him."

As Elisa stepped into their pantry, she had never heard the backdoor open. Once she turned around, she came face to face with a blond haired woman. Equally as terrified as she was, Elisa was about to scream when a hand came around her mouth. That's when she dropped the wine bottle.

"Mom! Stop," a familiar voice whispered. Smacking the hand off her face, she finally saw Ike looking down at her.

"Are you okay," everyone's calls asked.

"I'm fine! I'm fine," Elisa called out. "Just dropped the bottle! I'll be out in a second!"

Elisa sighed in deep relief, throwing her arms around his torso. 

"You had us worried," Elisa cried softly, moving them back into the mudroom. "What-What happened? Oh, hello."

"Hi," Charlie smiled politely. 

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