Chapter Fourteen

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"It's okay," Charlie whispered, as the men who kept frightening the small girl. She held her close to her, staring angrily at the men. It had been two nights already and Charlie seemed to be assigned to her. She only seemed of be around six years of age or so. "You're going to be fine. Daisy, are you hungry?"

Nodding, Daisy only moved her head to see Charlie picking at her food to give her more. 

"So, what do you like to do," Charlie asked, smiling slightly. 

"I like to watch TV."

"Well, What kid does? What do you watch? Kid shows?"


"Chips? The cop show?"

"Yeah. My dad and I always watch an episode before going to bed."

"That's cool!"

"You? Do you watch TV," Daisy seemed to lighten up a bit more, looking at Charlie for once. Charlie smiled, shaking her head. "Not anymore?"

"Not as much as I use to. I'm a horse vet, mainly."


"Yeah! It's really fun."

"I want to ride a horse one day!"

"Well, I promise that once we get out of here, I will! I'll even let you ride Midnight, my horse."

"You got a horse?"

"Oh yeah. He's the fastest horse ever."

"Wow," Daisy nodded, looking back at her. "But did you watch any TV with your dad?"

The tender thought of her father made her want to cry. It had been so long someone had asked her a question like that.

"Yeah," Charlie giggled softly. "We use to watch The Andy Griffith Show every night. Like you and your dad."

"What was your favorite episode?"

"This one where Barney has Gomer be a deputy," Charlie thought about it. "My dad and I saw that episode all the time just for a good laugh."

"I want to meet your dad."

"Yeah, he would have liked to met you... He's not here anymore."

"Oh," Daisy seemed to understand what that meant. The simple act of a hug meant more to Charlie than any hug anyone had ever given her. "You can watch TV with us then. I'll let you borrow my dad."

Charlie laughed heartily, grinning at her. 

"You're one cute thing, you know that?"

"So I'm told," Daisy threw her sass. Charlie sighed slightly, seeing the crack in the door. Setting Daisy aside, Charlie crept for the door. "What are-?"

Charlie pressed her finger to her lips, pressing her ear against it. 

"Everyone there," the man asked. "You sure?"

"Oh yeah," his partner nodded. "The whole squads are there. We can finally get this stupid job done with."

"What about the girl? I don't get why she has to be here."

"Someone gotta take the fall, don't it?" Charlie waddled back to the wall, thinking. 

"What are you thinking about?"

"You wouldn't know-," Charlie turned her attention to Daisy, wondering if she would know. "Why is all the cops in one certain place tonight?"

"I don't know," Daisy shrugged. "Daddy said there was a ball one night. I don't get why they want a ball at night."

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