Chapter Two

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Ike Harrison observed the cops talking amongst themselves as he sat alone at the old booth, drinking his beer bottle. He ran his hand over his beard in attempt to look a bit more presentable. He knew that his family would be walking through that door any minute and just the thought of it brought a strange sensation to him.

He straightened up when he caught sight of his mother frantically searching throughout the restaurant. When her usual bright smile came to her lips, it seemed to bring a spark in her eye. Standing up, he could only smile as she hugged him tightly.

"Hey Mom," he closed his eyes to her embrace.

"You haven't called me."

"I've been busy," he pulled back. "I'm sorry and I know I should have."

"Hello Ike," Aubrey smiled at her brother-in-law. Aubrey looked different now that he had gotten a look at her. Six years seemed to have been a long time between all of them.

"Hey Aubrey," he hugged her before staring at his younger brother. "Evan, Evan, Evan."

"Ike, Ike, Ike," he smirked as Evan slapped his arm. "You've gotten bigger."

"You've got a belly," Ike patted Evan's belly. "Look at this, marriage life suits you."

"Yeah well," Evan laughed as Ike kept smiling at him. "What can I say? I met the right girl."

"Where's Daisy," Ike excitedly looked around.

"Uncle Ike," she screamed, hopping up for him to pick her up. Laughing, he did, holding her against his side. "Where have you been?"

"Being a bad uncle," he shook his head. "Sorry I haven't called you."

"It's okay," she shook her head innocently. "You're a cop, I know you're busy."

"Yeah," he glanced down. "But that doesn't make it right for not calling you."

"Are we gonna stand around or sit," Chris stated. Elisa threw him a glare which he decided to ignore. The Harrison's sat around their old table, making loud conversation except for Chris.

"So, how was LA," Aubrey questioned. Ike kept watching his niece who was sitting next to him, color on the kid's menu before he answered her question.

"Good," he nodded.

"I heard that you were quite the field officer," Elisa winked. Ike embarrassingly nodded. "What happened to that one job?"

"The- oh," he pulled off his leather jacket. "Some guy was trying to- He had set a bomb in a building demanding for ransom money. Rick and I knew that the only way to stop the job was to dismantle the bomb. Rick was the expert but the ransom guy only wanted Rick so I had to go in. Long day but we managed to dismantle the bomb and save the building."

"That was you," Chris questioned. "I read about it in the papers."

"Yeah," he nodded.

"Must have gotten a lot of publicity," Evan gazed at his father. Ike shook his head. "No?"

"No, that's why we said to keep our names out of it," Ike continued. "We didn't want the publicity. I mean that is what dad always said. Never let it get to our heads right?"

Evan immediately turned to his father with hope to see a slimmer of approval. Chris kept staring down at his menu instead. Ike bit his lip, leaning back in his chair.

"How have you been Dad," Ike asked.


"Any interesting things happen since I left?"

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