10: September 19

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The four of them returned to the castle for lunch, stomachs collectively yearning for some food as Hagrid's treacle toffee wasn't exactly the most appealing food for the observant digestive system. Ron was still letting out slugs, but the heaving was reduced to just one or two small slugs every time.

Having just entered the Entrance Hall, a crisp, calm voice rang out at them. "Potter, Weasley, there you are." she said, walking towards them sternly. "You will both serve your detentions this evening." Ashton tried to refrain from smirking at his own friends.

"What... what are we doing, Professor?" asked Ron, nervously skipping a belch. McGonagall looked at him, with purely business circling around her pupils.

"You, Weasley, will be polishing silver in the trophy room with Mr Filch," she said. "and no magic - elbow grease." Ron gulped, fearful. Argus Filch, the caretaker, was hated by every student in the school. But Ashton hated him the most, because he remembered the time that Filch tried to chain him to his chandelier and let him die. Thankfully, it didn't work and ever since Ashton has been using that situation as leverage on Filch so that he doesn't lose his job.

"And you, Potter," she turned to a worried-looking Harry. "will be helping Professor Lockhart answer his fan mail." Ashton felt like laughing.

"Oh no - can't I go and do the trophy room, too?" Harry asked desperately.

"Certainly not," said McGonagall, raising her eyebrows. "Professor Lockhart requested you particularly. Eight o'clock sharp, the both of you."

Ashton wasn't sure whether to curse McGonagall or go over to Lockhart's classroom and burn every single picture of him in there. So Lockhart 'requested' for Harry to answer his fan mail with him? Who does that? When was that absolute knob ever going to deflate his fat ego? Did he think he was doing Harry some kind of favour? Teaching him to 'be famous' or some kind of bullshit like that?

Ashton and Hermione followed Harry and Ron as they slumped into the Great Hall in a pure state of depression. Hermione kept trying to throw them 'well, you did break the school rules' expressions, to which Ashton replied with 'stop trying to defend your long lost love', something Hermione definitely didn't pick up. 

"Filch'll have me in there all night," said Ron heavily. "No magic! There must be a hell of an amount of cups in that room. I'm no good at Muggle cleaning."

"I'd swap anytime," said Harry in a downhearted manner. "I've had loads of practice with the Dursleys. Answering Lockhart's fan mail will be an absolute nightmare."

"You're telling me," laughed Ashton. "I'm pretty sure Lockhart sees you as his celebrity in training." Ron snorted with laughter and Harry gave an unsure grin.

"That's probably true," said Harry, not sure whether to be sad or hysterical, or both.

"You should probably be worried. Lockhart never gets any hints. Just repeatedly tell him you're not interested and he'll probably have to sod off at some point." Harry sighed.

"That's the thing, Ashton. I'm not you. I'm not blunt like you, I can't say things to people the way you do." 

"You'll get there," he said. Hermione, however, still seemed to be disapproving of all the words against Lockhart.

"You shouldn't talk about a teacher like that, Ashton, Harry." Ashton turned away from Hermione and towards Harry.

"First step, Hazza - never listen to a word about Lockhart that comes out of Hermione's mouth." Hermione furrowed her eyebrows as Ron began laughing.

At eight o'clock, Harry and Ron left the common room to serve their detentions, leaving Ashton and Hermione in the common room to study. Ashton was sat in an armchair while Hermione was on a stool, her feet perched on Ashton's lap.

A Changed Lestrange (1-2) (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now