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"And the winners of this match: Beth Lynch and Finn Bálor!" the ring announcer spoke at the small house show Fight Factory Pro Wrestling hosted in honor of Beth and her mother.

The main-event match had ended after Beth performed her finisher, the 450 splash. The small crowd was in awe of Beth and her move set at such a young age. However, Finn wasn't surprised at all.

He unknowingly smiled at Beth, seeing her own smile radiate through the building. He was incredibly proud and happy for her to have this moment—the first of many, he was sure of it.

Mary Lynch had taken a notice to Finn's expression, smiling at the boy before turning back to her daughter in the ring as a tear fell from her eye.

The Prince showed off his soft side, pulling himself into the ring and Beth into a hug. He couldn't contain his happiness for the small girl, knowing how much she deserved to be happy after everything she's been through.

Beth happily accepted the hug, knowing that she had been imagining this moment for a long time. Every day that the Irishwoman got older, she became more mature in her feelings for Finn. Finn Bálor wasn't an unobtainable crush anymore—he was everything Beth would ever want in a man.

Finn was hard-working, and confident, and patient, and so many other things. But, the most important quality he held to Beth was his kindness. Beth's father didn't hold the same trait.

"Congratulations, Beth," the Prince whispered, but not to his student. His student was young and naïve. Beth was so much more now than she was when they first met. Beth Lynch was strong, and independent, and selfless. Finn had never held that trait, which is why he was so transfixed by her.

She's too young, he thought to himself.

Shaking his head of his thoughts, Finn pulled away, finding Mary, knowing that beside her awaited a surprise for Beth. Becky stood next to her mother, a small smile on her face seeing her little sister reach a dream that the two of them shared as children.

"Becky!" Beth squealed, tears of happiness reaching her eyes as she exited the ring to hug her sister.

Normally, Becky wasn't one for hugs, but she hugged her sister back for once because she knew that she hadn't been the best sister to her. She had been avoiding the problem of her mother being sick by staying in America, blaming it on her busy schedule as an airline attendant. Becky hadn't even kept her promise to Beth to continue trying to reach the WWE, instead she gave up her dream of professional wrestling because she felt like she wasn't good enough.

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