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"Again," Finn ordered, watching Beth with a hand on his chin. She had been completing a circuit, courteous of him, where she ran the ropes a few times before preforming a forward roll, immediately stopping her momentum as she stood and changed directions into a back-handspring.

Beth had been a training in gymnastics from the time she was five years old, though lost the interest once wrestling took over. Little did she know, she could bring it back inside the ring. Women in wrestling weren't preforming the moves that Finn ordered her to do, but that's what she loved about it: she wanted to do something different, something unique.

The training had been rigorous as Beth completed the process over and over again, her back beginning to show scratches from the ropes as her skin wasn't used to the irritation. Out of breath and sweaty with achey arms, she nodded before following Finn's demands.

Finn admired the young girl's determination and cooperation, recalling many of his past students who would have wanted to quit by now after doing the same task over and over again. However, the shy girl remained quiet and followed his directions, allowing him to assess her ability and also begin to come up with unique moves never seen before that she could accomplish. He saw potential in the young girl, and knew that with her work ethic and athletic ability, she could use her assets to change women in wrestling if given the chance.

Seeing her petite body as she rolled on the canvas, standing effortlessly before flipping herself backwards as her hands found the mat to catch her, he began to think of ideas moving forward. What he had instructed her to do at first for a cardio workout immediately turned into one of the best ideas of his career.

Beth landed her back-handspring and looked towards the brunette, awaiting further instruction. Instead of ordering her to complete the circuit again, he tapped the mat below. "Sit," he said, softly.

Beth did as he said, ignoring the loud, deep voices around them as other occupants filled the building, learning the ins-and-outs of their dream as well. Looking towards him, she found his bright pink lips grinning, a facial expression quite foreign to the prince during his time in the gym.

"Could you sit any farther away?" his slightly-higher pitched voice sarcastically joked, chuckling as he moved closer to the ginger as they were sitting at opposite ends of the ring. Beth smiled, shrugging as she blushed, her teenage mind going crazy over Finn like normal.

At ten years older than her, Finn Bálor was an unobtainable crush that Beth had formed that haunted her everyday. While others her age were falling into intimate relationships—though not mature ones—and having their firsts in all sorts of sexual ways, Beth Lynch was training everyday for a far-fetched dream and falling for a man who clearly wouldn't be interested. However, she would rather train under him and get to call him a friend if it meant she could learn from his guidance.

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