The Storm {6}: The Tsunami (2)

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   Marinette sat across the table from Luka and Kagami. The bluenette fiddled with her water bottle and nibbled on one of her father's pink macaroons. She quietly listened to the couple talk about many different things like school and recent travels. Kagami would sometimes ask Marinette questions and she would feebly answer in return.

   Marinette didn't really know how to join in, feeling like she isn't meant to be a part of this conversation. She mainly twiddled her thumbs and speak when spoken too. Her bluebell orbs would occasionally stare off into the crowd of dancing teens or tables starting to fill, hoping to find a friend to hang out with.

"Yeah, I'm just trying to find a dateless friend that I can be with for the entirety of the dance. I'm totally not trying to find an excuse to escape," Marinette thought, knowing fully well that she is lying to herself and let out a quiet whine.

"I still can't believe you two have already met. How did it happen?" Luka asked, snapping the bluenette out of her thoughts. Marinette glanced over at Kagami before returning to Luka.

"The day I was meeting with the mayor, his daughter, Mr. Damocles and my mother in the principal's office, Marinette accidentally ran into me on my way there," Kagami started, "The sweets I brought were ruined, so Marinette was kind enough to help get me some more."

   "Well, it was kind of my fault in the first place that the cookies were ruined," Marinette added, sheepishly scratching the back of her neck. Luka smiled, humming in acknowledgment and nearly chuckled imagining the scenario.

   "Why were you going to meet with them?" Luka asked Kagami.

   "My mother is funding this school's athletic program," she explained before excitedly continuing, "Also, I might be attending here too."

   A dumbfound Marinette froze after hearing Kagami's thrilling news. Marinette stared at the couple as Luka's smile grew, happily placing his hand on his girlfriend's shoulder.

   "Really? That's amazing!" The musician spoke, astonished. That was the last thing Marinette heard before zoning out. She is happy for Kagami, yet the bluenette couldn't help feeling slightly jealous. Luka was her long-time crush and those feelings have hardly gone. Even though he wasn't Chat Noir, doesn't mean Marinette didn't immediately stop liking him in that way.

Now, she'll have to watch Luka and Kagami walk down the hallway together with their hands laced, cutely whisper to each other like any couple would do. The imagery within Marinette's head stung her heart, her hands clutching the skirt of her dress under the table.

The song didn't help either, Girl Crush starting to play. Some people partnered up, slowly swaying to the gentle rhythm while others stuck to the side like wallflowers.

   Marinette pushed her chair out and stood up, catching the couple's attention.

"I..." Marinette began, shaking off the wavering in her voice and rapidly blinking away the glossiness in her orbs. Marinette tried to smile but it turned into more of a grimace.

   Though her shoulders are slump, she stiffly perked up. The bluenette forced her enthusiasm, trying to make her excuse to leave more convincing, "I'm going to...check out the rest of the place! Yeah!"

   Luka and Kagami weren't stupid though. They could tell something was wrong and grew worried.

   "Marinette, what's wrong?" Luka asked.

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