The Storm {8}: The Rainbow (2)

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I do not own this beautiful song! I was made for loving you is by Tori Kelly ft. Ed Sheeran!


Marinette blinked, staring at the three startled teens in the locker room. She immediately recognized Nino and Alix. Then, bluebell eyes locked onto emerald. Marinette took a whole moment analyzing the face and tried to figure out who the third person is. Yet, she didn't recognize the blonde under the black mask and wearing...

   "Are those cat ears?" Marinette thought. She didn't have time to process when Alix spoke up, "Well, there she is."

Marinette closed the door and wandered over to the locker room trio, curiously asking, "What are you guys doing in here?"

"We could ask you the same thing, dudette," Nino argued back, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at Marinette and earning a facepalm from Alix. Marinette lifted her clothes in her arms, presenting them to the three.

"I was just putting my clothes back into my locker," she answered.

"Likely story," Nino said before Alix sighed, placing her hand on his face and pushing him back.

"We're just letting blondie over here borrow Nino's blazer because he idiotically stained his with juice," Alix explained, covering half of the truth. Marinette hummed in understanding before turning her gaze over at the said blonde, who stood stiff and staring at her. Marinette gave him a warm smile, easing the tension in his shoulders just a little.

"Sorry, what's your name? I'm having a hard time trying to recognize you with the cat...get-up..." Marinette trailed off, dawning on her before it finally hit like a truck. Her mouth left slightly agape with no words being produced and her shoes felt like cement, holding her feet in place.

Her arms ceased holding the clothes, going nearly limp from shock and heart booming harder than the music in the gym area. The clothes fell to the floor, going unnoticed by the bluenette.

   The blonde's breathe caught in his throat, forgetting the ease he felt a minute ago.

   Marinette took a step towards the blonde teen as if she needed a closer look at his face, quietly saying in disbelief, "...Chat Noir..."

   "I guess, he does kind of look like a black cat, now that you mention it, and you look like a ladybug-" the oblivious DJ held his stomach in pain after Alix elbowed him in the stomach. She grabbed Nino's earlobe, pulling him towards the doors and left the locker room.

   Marinette and Adrien didn't notice the commotion.

   "I-I can't believe it..." Marinette said, taking another step forward, "It's really yo-"

   Her clumsiness caught up to her, the forgotten clothes on the floor catching her foot and tripped the poor bluenette. Adrien instinctively wrapped his arms around who he now deemed as "Ladybug," and caught her in mid-fall.

   "Are you okay?" he asked, helping her find her balance.

   "Yeah, thank you," she said, mentally cursing her clumsiness for its bad timing before looking down at the discarded clothes, "I should...probably pick these up."

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