The Portrait

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   Adrien snuck through the dark hallways to his father's hallway.

   He was able to stealthily avoid and hide from any officers that were in the area. Yet, his luck was beginning to run thin the closer he grew to his destination. The law enforcement seemed to grow more vast and hard to avoid.

   Adrien had a few close calls, almost being caught by an officer checking the premise. Much to his fortune, he approached his father's hallway and was nearly out of the ballpark.

   The blonde walked around an oddly placed stand before returning to the wall to keep hidden.

   Talking could be heard from around the corner within his hallway, making the cautious blonde peek around the corner. A group of high-class looking officers and agents stood outside of his father's quarters, conversing about the case.

   "This is crazy! I'm stupid! Why did I think this was a good idea? I should've just stayed in the car! If they discover me, they'll probably wonder why Hawkmoth's son was snooping around the area and put me in jail!" Adrien thought, thinking of the worse possible case scenario and regretting his decision, "I mean, how in the world am I supposed to learn anything from here? I'm practically a sitting duck until someone finds me!"

"Did you hear something?"

Adrien's body stiffened and heart began to erratically beat, green eyes dilated in fear. He managed to slowly back away from the corner for a little bit until bumping into something. Adrien jumped in fright, twisting his head around as fast as he had ever done.

Of course, it was the stupidly placed stand!

Yet, he realized too late that two expensive-looking objects that were on the stand were now falling to the floor. The blonde teen didn't have time to react when the items collided with the tiled floor and shattered.

Adrien flinched at the loud sound then gulped when footsteps could be heard coming closer. He was about to be as busted as the objects that had just shattered on the floor. He tightly shut his eyelids and muscles went rigged.

   "Oh, it was you," a guy with a deep voice spoke in almost annoyance. Adrien was about to profusely apologize for snooping before his words were cut short.

   "Lower your weapons, boys. It's just a dumb cat," the same guy added. Adrien's orbs snapped open to see Plagg walking into the hallway and over to the officers. He meowed, gaining the law enforcers' attention.

The teen couldn't believe his eyes.

   Was Plagg trying to distract the police officers so Adrien wouldn't get caught?

  That was...oddly nice of the black cat.

   It definitely was the most strangest and surprising thing the blonde has ever seen, in more than one way. Yet, he wouldn't let an opportunity like this go to waste and began to sneak over to his father's room as quietly as possible.

   Adrien was just a few feet away, so close but stressfully far as well. He watched as one of the officers looked away from Plagg for a moment, making the blonde freeze in his tracks.

Much to his relief, Plagg used his skills to pull the nearest police officer's gun out from his holster and made a mad (mostly limping) dash down the hallway.

"Hey!" The officer yelled, "That cat stole my gun!"

   "After that dumb cat!"

   The group of men began to chase down Plagg through the hallways of the mansion, none-the-wiser of a baffled Adrien standing outside of the door. The blonde raised an eyebrow before rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

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