Sexual Frustration (Chapter 1)

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A/N: This story takes place early on in the series, but I'm using the season 5 cast! I update pretty regularly, and I hope you enjoy my story! The next chapter will be released very soon!

"No way, I don't believe you!" Morgan said with a lack of sobriety. Your cheeks were glowing bright pink from embarrassment.

It was a late-night after a case, and the team had decided to go out for a few drinks at O'Keefe's, the team's favorite bar. After a few rounds and some wild conversation, the topic of how everyone on the team had managed to lose their virginities came up. When all eyes turned to had no answer...

"I agree with Morgan, there's just no way," said Emily nonchalantly before taking another sip of whatever drink she had in her hand. "Okay so if you want to stop lying now, how did it happen?" Morgan asked with a devious smirk.

"I'm not lying I'm telling the truth! I just...haven't... I know it's pretty terrible that I still haven't managed to...ya know...but it's the god honest truth!" you said. You were frustrated...for multiple reasons.

"Morgan, look at her body language...she isn't lying," JJ attempted to whisper. They all started giggling, which only made you feel more like a loser. You were attractive and young, but also very driven, and a relationship was never on your life road map. Sex just never came up. And here you were.... still a virgin. It was a little sad.

"Guys stop laughing at me!" you pleaded helplessly.  Spencer looked over at you with his sweet hazel eyes, "It's alright (Y/N), some people just take longer than others," he said. You were surprised he even came to the bar, but still not surprised that the drink he had in front of him was just water. You were glad he came and were grateful to have the cute genius on your side right now. Not only because he was the only one defending you right now, but also because you always found him to be attractive.

"Oh yeah is that so, Reid? So when did you lose yours?" Penelope piped up, giggling behind some obnoxious fruity drink with a mini umbrella. His cheeks grew to a tomato red, the look of embarrassment quickly rising across his face. Everyone's laughter grew louder now. "Not you too, Reid," Prentiss giggled. You gave Reid an embarrassed smile. "At least we're in this together Spencer," you said sheepishly.

"How is it that you two are well into adulthood, and you STILL haven't had any sex yet?" Morgan asked. Spencer shrugged his shoulders and you looked up at the team, "Well...some people just take longer than others?" you said questioningly.

"Don't use my own words to defend me!" Spencer said with an embarrassed high-pitched tone. You could tell he was a little fed up with the whole thing. He never really talked about his personal sex life. "Well, Spencer, how long does it take most people to lose it?" Prentiss asked with a devilish grin. He was quiet for a moment but then mumbled a reply, "The average age when people lose their virginity is 17 in the US..."

Giggles continued to erupt at the table at the dismay of you and Spencer, who were both dying of embarrassment. "How have neither of you exploded yet? I would've died of sexual frustration by now." JJ said, then took a sip of her drink.

It was surprising to you that Spencer had never had sex. Yes, he was a huge nerd, but he was really hot. It wasn't like he was hard to be around, you enjoyed his company anyway. It was true that with the line of work you were in that seeing people was difficult, but you just figured that he would've had some action by now with at least his looks.

But then again, you hadn't managed to either.

Your mind began to wonder. What did Spencer's lips feel like? What would he be like in bed? ...What would it be like if you were in bed together...? You definitely found him attractive, and the thought of sleeping with him was turning you on. You didn't care if he was a virgin, it didn't matter. You would be just as inexperienced and clueless. Somehow it almost seemed more bearable to have someone on the same page in your opinion. But the thought came back to you, him on top of you...his hands grazing your body...his lips-

Sexual Frustration (Spencer Reid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now