Lipstick Stains (Chapter 9)

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It was the afternoon the day after the case. Hotch had instructed everyone to come in later than usual so the team could get some sleep. The case had been tiring, and you were grateful for the extra time you were able to spend away from work. 

But now you were making your way through the doors on the BAU, paperwork had to be done. You could have probably stayed home and done it, but it was easier for you to be productive whenever you weren't in the comfort of your own apartment. Not only that, Spencer wold be at the office.

You set your things down on your desk and got to work. You glanced up at Spencer as you began , his desk was right across from yours. You chewed on your pens as you thought about your responses and what to write next, noticing Spencer stealing a few glances at you when he thought you wouldn't notice.

You stretched your neck slightly as you set down your pen. Looking up from your papers, you locked eyes with Spencer. He put his pen on his desk and leaned back in his chair, maintaining heavy eye contact. Your hand moved from your neck and found its way to your lap as you looked at each other. You were no bitch, you weren't going to break the eye contact until he did.

"What is this? A staring contest?" asked Morgan. You jumped, you had no idea where he came from. He chuckled sightly at your response, Spencer was trying his best to act natural and was failing miserably.

"Sorry I must have zoned out," you responded. Spencer smirked, you remembered him teasing at the restaurant about when you would do that. You looked back up at Morgan, giving him a smile. He gave you a weird look, you needed to change the subject. Spencer seemed to have the same idea.

"Hey is there still coffee left?" Spencer asked him. Morgan told him there was plenty, and he got up to get himself a cup. You wanted to get and up go with him, you weren't wanting to be sitting in that chair at the moment. However, Morgan was keeping you right where you were.

"What was that?" he asked, giving you an eyebrow raise. He was unavoidable now.

"I told you, I just zoned out..." He tilted his head slightly, he was wanting to dig deeper.

" are things with you and Spencer after going undercover anyway? Things aren't awkward after pretending to be a couple now are they?"

"Oh no of course not! It was for the job, we know that. I haven't felt weird or anything, I don't think he has either." You were trying to get him to go away. You didn't want him to ask you more about it or you wouldn't be able to hide the lies, especially not from a profiler. 

"Hmm...okay," he said with a smirk before walking off. You let out a sigh of relief when he turned his back.

Spencer appeared back next to you, his presence raidiating a warm feeling. He set a cup of coffee on your desk. "Don't spill it this time...I'm not wearing a vest," he said. You laughed as he moved back around to his chair.

"Thank you," you responded. You took the cup and went to take a sip, but the amount of sugar in it took you aback. You quickly set it down.

"Are you sure this isn't yours?" you asked. He knitted his brows together, not understanding. "The sugar..." you clarified. He motioned for you to pass the cup over to him. He took it in his hands for a moment, he seemed to be having an idea.

He looked back up into your eyes and took a sip from the cup, placing his lips right on the lipstick stain that you had made. Your throat felt dry. He knew what he was doing.

He smiled when he took the cup away from his lips and gazed down at the rim, satisfied. "You're right (Y/N), this is mine. I'm sorry." You gave him a side-eye. 

"Thought you were a germaphobe, Dr. Reid." He smirked.

"Considering I kissed you the other day, I don't think it really matters," he responded. 

"Okay, Spencer," you thought. 

"Yeah...not to mention I think you would do a lot more than that if you had the chance," you said nonchalantly while looking at your papers.You made sure no one around was close enough to hear you say it.  

 If he was taken aback by what you said, he didn't show it. He stood up and walked around to your desk, setting the cup that was rightfully yours in front of you. His tall figure towered over you, making you feel weak in all the good ways.

He glanced down at the papers in front of you. You were currently in the section that required you to describe the case from your perspective. Currently, you were on the part concerning your and Spencer's time at Blaire's.

He crouched down to read the paper more closely, moving closer to your face. "While trying to draw the unsub in at Blaire's, we were actually talking about the case and potential unsubs," Spencer read off of your paper. He let out a low laugh. 

"At least that's partially true," he said in an almost whisper. Only you could hear him. 

Your cheeks burned. He looked over at you, he could tell he was getting the reaction he was looking for. He leaned in closer, his whisper made your ear tingle slightly. 

"And you weren't wrong earlier (Y/N). I would do a lot more than just kiss you if I was given a chance."

You took in a breath, you practically wanted to melt. He was really getting to you today. You stood up and walked to the bathroom. You were going to explode if you had to be that close to him for another second. 

When you returned, he was casually sitting at his desk as if nothing had happened. You had no idea how no one had witnessed or heard any of that. But no one seemed to be suspecting anything. 

You looked at your watch as you sat down, you still had some hours to go. And even still, your stack of papers wasn't going to fix itself. You just hoped Spencer would let you work for a little while. But then again, he didn't exactly have to try and distract you. 


You were going to leave, and you were excited. Emily had invited you to O'Keefe's for a round, many team members were supposed to be going. You figured some social time could do you well. You thought about the last time you went to the bar...and everyone finding out that you were still a virgin. You shrugged the thought from your mind. 

You were one of the last people to leave, you had managed to get all of your work done. Now you were heading to the elevator, hoping to catch a quick ride down to the parking lot. 

The door was just about to close when you heard a "Wait!" After you instinctively held out your arm, you realized it was Reid. 

He walked in and stood beside you. This was going to get could already feel it. 

"How was your coffee?" he asked. You blocked a smile. 

"It was good, Spencer. Thank you. I'm sure the tons of sugar made yours better?" you asked with a hint of sarcasm. 

"Yes it did...but I think the taste of your lips on the rim of the cup made it much more delicious" he said. He looked over to you, his eyes raking over your body. 

"Well, it something you would want to taste again?"

Before you could react to anything he could have said, he slammed you against the elevator wall. His face was centimeters away from yours. You could feel his warm breath on your lips. His strong arms holding your shoulder back made you want more. 

He moved down, firmly pressing his lips against yours. His grip on you tightened so your hands could run through his hair. He moved from your lips and whispered in your ear.


And just like that, the elevator doors opened. You walked out and away from him, looking back to give him a wink. 

Sexual Frustration (Spencer Reid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now