Coffee and Sweater Vests (Chapter 3)

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You did your best to not let Spencer distract you throughout the briefing, it was a difficult task, however. He didn't even have to try. From the way, he poked his tongue out when he was thinking about the way he messed with his glasses, he was getting to you...and he knew.

You drug your attention away from the hot genius and focused back on Penelope, who was presenting the newly arrived case. 

"Three victims in the past month in a suburb on the outskirts of Seattle, Washington. Each was a man killed in the homes they shared with their girlfriends or wives in the middle of the night," she stated solemnly. Her sad but matter-of-fact tone reflected the case well going off of crime scene photos. 

"It seems the men were all brutally stabbed while the women were subdued in an attempt to get them out of the way," Morgan stated while flicking through the files. Prentiss nodded her head, "Classic overkill with the men. Whoever this was they needed the presence of a woman, but that's all they needed. The women don't actually seem to be targets."

"Unless the unsub is killing the men in an attempt to mentally destroy their female counterparts," Rossi remarked. 

"The only woman that was harmed was Michelle Blake. She sustained a minor concussion when the unsub slammed her against the wall in her living room before stabbing her boyfriend, victim number two. However, she didn't actually see the unsub, they came up from behind," Penelope explained. 

Reid looked up. "That's strange. Why not just wait for the couple to go to sleep like in the first and third instances? It says here that they tied the women to the bedframe while they were sleeping to keep them from running or fighting back. It worked the first time, why not do it again?" he questioned. 

"Maybe the unsub had a reason to act early? It was only the second kill, they were still new to the whole thing." JJ said with a shrug. 

"Well for whatever reason, this unsub is targeting men in their mid-twenties in the presence of their significant others. There also must be a reason for the involvement of the women but the lack of violence they are shown. You can all continue thinking about theories on the jet. Wheels up in thirty," Hotch said before quickly exiting the room.  


You boarded the jet, sliding into a seat next to the window. You pulled out your case files and put them on the table in front of you, hoping to get some work done while on the ride to Seattle. You slipped off your light grey blazer and rested it on the seat as you made yourself comfortable.

Spencer slid into the seat in front of you. He began to get himself situated and set down his messenger bag. You looked up to see him rummaging through his case files, actually looking focused. Maybe he was going to act more professionally now considering you were on a case?


You both sat there in silence for some time, quietly working alongside each other. You noticed he was still using your pen, and a small smirk seemed the pass over his face every time he picked it up to scribble a note on something. You weren't going to call him out for it, you wanted to see how long he would continue. It was a stupid little gimmick, but it was also a constant reminder of the little game you two were playing. 

Over time, many of the other team members began to drift off into sleep, last night had been long for many of them. You were surprised how no one seemed to be noticing the turbulence that would happen every so often, but it didn't seem the wake-up, anyone. Spencer looked around the jet, glancing around at the dozing team members. He looked over at you now, and you looked up to make eye contact with him.

"I'm going to make some coffee, do you want any?" he asked. Coffee did actually sound good at the moment, you hadn't had a chance to grab any at the office before you had to leave for the case. You had noticed your energy wasn't at its highest potential, and the caffeine boost might help you work better on the case. You nodded, "Sure, that actually would be really nice," you responded with a tight-lipped smile.

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