A Crazy Coincidence

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I am probably the unluckiest person in the world. Want to know why? Well, where do I start...

Everyone gets their soulmate's initials on their wrist (right or left depending on which hand they use the most) on their eighteenth birthday. I know I know, it's hard to find your soulmate with just their initials, but there's a solution for that. You can go to your nearest Soulmate Finder building and they will give you a list of the people with those initials and the basic info like their name, gender, and phone number. The list is also organized by the likeliness of them being your soulmate, which can vary in accuracy at times, but it usually depends mainly on age, gender, and sexual orientation. There's a whole process of taking a test or two beforehand, but it's all pretty simple stuff. 

On my eighteenth birthday, when I turned over and looked at my right wrist in the morning, I thought I was the luckiest person alive. My soulmate had a name that started with a Z! How could this be anything less than lucky. I didn't know anyone with a name that started with Z at the time, so my parents took me to the nearest Soulmate Finder building and I was given probably the shortest list I've ever seen.The packet was around the size of a children's picture book!

But, of course, I wanted to wait to contact any of them until later. Not until I was in college. Finding your soulmate and being with them is a very serious thing and I didn't want that kind of commitment so soon.

A year later and I'm moving into my college dorm, carrying my boxes into my room with some struggle. This is my first time living on my own and I can barely pick up the box of kitchen utensils. Great.

"Need help with that?" A male behind the two boxes I'm holding asked with a chuckle, noticing my futile effort.

"Yes please," I sigh in relief as he removes the top box, revealing himself. He is just an inch or two taller than I am with tan skin and a decent bone structure from what I could see. He has dark brown hair styled up with the sides shaved and has big, dark brown eyes with a bright, white-toothed smile that is amazingly contagious.

"This is your dorm? Or am I moving you into someone else's place?" The male asks, his index finger pointing to the dorm with the door swung wide open. Boxes are strewn all over the counters and floor. I'm honestly glad I got a single dorm, though it is a bit more expensive than the shared dorms. I'm not ready to be roommates with a stranger.

"Yeah, my new home away from home," I chuckled nervously, letting him go in first and place down the box he was holding. Then I go in and do the same. And that's how it goes for the last few boxes I have.

"Oh my goodness, that was so exhausting," I sigh, just relieved I got them all in. And I'm also grateful that the dorm came fully furnished as I gladly take a seat on the sofa. The male I met just minutes ago is leaning on the island in the kitchen, looking over at me with a polite smile. One thing I know already is that he's a chatter box. It's like he can't live in silence, but I really don't mind. He mostly just seems to talk about gaming and such. Though he seems as awkward as I am, he's pretty funny and chaotic in a fun way. "Thank you so much for the help. How much do you want me to pay you?"

"Oh no, it's fine. I'm just glad to help out," The stranger insists with a kind smile, "Especially since you're my new neighbor."

"Oh really? Which dorm room?" I question excitedly, realizing I'm making my first new friend in college.

"Room 14," He says, pointing to my left wall as it is the room right next door to my room, Room 13.

"Wow, what a cool coincidence," I chuckle lightheartedly.

After a slight pause, the male says, "Well, I must get to my room now. I don't wanna miss the tour tomorrow morning. I'm helping with it after all."

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