Tour of the Heart

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"Wait, seriously?" Antfrost gawks with a shocked expression, seeming quite amused with my misfortune. I have known Antfrost for ages. Ever since middle school probably. He was the exchange student who was having a rough time fitting in, so one day I sat with him at lunch and gave him a muffin. A friendship muffin in fact as that was how our friendship started, but he didn't exactly appreciate the day I brought him some catnip because I had discovered what Minecraft skin he had.

"Yeah, I still can't believe it. What are the chances of that?" I sigh, ruffling my messy light brown hair. I'm just glad I asked Antfrost to come out to talk to me about this before the whole tour for the college freshmen.

"Well, I'm glad you spammed me to wake up at seven in the morning for a good reason I guess," Antfrost sighs, having probably stayed up most of the night playing games.

"Yeah I'm sorry, but I don't know who else to tell. What am I supposed to do?" I groan in frustration.

"Well, obviously, you kiss them," Antfrost states casually, making me choke on the water I am drinking.

"What?!" I squeak out in surprise, my face flushing so easily as my stomach does flips and twirls.

"When you kiss your soulmate, the initials on your wrist go away, so just kiss both of them and see if your initials disappear," Antfrost explains as if it was obvious.

"What? No! I can't just kiss two strangers," I insist, my voice still at a higher pitch than my average.

"Well from what you told me I don't think that Zane guy would really mind," Antfrost mumbles, making my flushed face darken as I whine, "but seriously, how else are you going to find out?"

I pause for a moment as I realize Antfrost is right. I will never really know unless I kiss them. And it isn't something super weird or awkward since I am just figuring out who my soulmate is. All I have to do is explain to them my plan and bam, I know if one of them is my soulmate or if neither of them is my soulmate.

"Alright fine, I see where you're coming from," I huff stubbornly, agreeing to Antfrost's embarrassing plan.

"Finally," Antfrost says dramatically with an eye roll, "now let's get going or we're gonna be late for the freshman tour. You said your potential husband will be there helping, right?"

"Yeah. Wait, what did you-?"

"Then you might wanna get going if you wanna go through with your plan sooner rather than later," Antfrost points out as he slings his bag onto his shoulder and gets up from the picnic table we are sitting at, walking off without me.

"Wait you numpty muffin, I'm coming," I call out quickly as I scramble to grab my things and catch up with him.


I nervously wait in the group of freshmen for the tour groups and their guides to be organized, peaking over at Skeppy every so often as he chats with other second years to get the tour together.

"Just go talk to him, it's not against the rules," Antfrost sighs as he motions to Skeppy, sick of my creepy staring.

"Yeah, just get it over with and go make out with him already," Dream insists with a light chuckle, the male holding his hand punching him in the arm. Antfrost had briefly explained what had happened yesterday to Dream and George, two of my other good friends who probably knew they were soulmates before even getting each other's initials on their wrists.

"Dream, that's mean, stop teasing him," George chuckles mischievously, not seeming as caring and upset as he wanted to sound

I refuse at first, but after a lot of internal convincing and planning, I syke myself up to do it. I stand up straight, face towards Skeppy, take one step, and...

"Okay everyone, tour groups and guides have been decided," A second-year female chimes in sweetly to the crowd, which stops me in my tracks (or track) and makes my friends burst out into laughter, which caught the attention of quite a few people, including Skeppy. Once Skeppy spots me I turn red with embarrassment and do a full one-eighty to face away from him, but I look back a bit and see that he's smiling at me with a sweet, fond smile. I almost melt into the brick platform we are standing on.

The second years start splitting people off into groups and, unluckily, I get split off from my friends. Or maybe it is lucky. If Skeppy is to be the tour guide of my group of friends, it would just be endless teasing. Though I really do hope that Skeppy is my tour guide. I need to find out who my soulmate is.

"Hey cutie," I hear someone coo lowly in my ear from behind me, making me jump almost a foot away from them and squeal like an idiot.

"Jeez, I didn't think it would scare you that bad," Zane chuckles, obviously enjoying teasing me. He annoys me, but I find him oddly endearing. Am I falling for the bad boy? But I'm the BadBoy.

"Group three, your tour guide will be Zane," The same sweet second year informed us, though she seems annoyed mentioning his name. Crap, he is the bad boy.

"Cool. You guys are with me from now until the end of the tour, so I will keep it simple. No wandering off, no horse playing, no alcohol unless you're willing to share, and have fun," Zane explains in a serious tone which progressively got more lighthearted and goofy, "Oh and I only accept questions that are in haiku form."

Some freshmen open their mouth to ask questions, but then realize they have to put in haiku form first, They quickly shut it. Then Zane just starts walking off.

"H-hey Zane," I stutter quietly to him as we walk off the brick platform to our first tour location. I'm honestly nervous enough to ask a question like this, let alone figure out how to ask it in haiku form.

Zane looks down at me and, after noticing how nervous I am, chuckles and says, "Chill chill, if you have a question you can just ask it. No need to put it in haiku."

"O-oh okay," I stutter, half the stress off my back, probably less. How am I gonna just casually ask him to kiss me? How embarrassing.

"Look, if you're going to ask me out, don't," Zane says seriously, catching me off guard, and then clarifying, "I will be the one asking you out."

What he says makes my face flush a bright red. He was not making this question easy.

"W-well, me and my friends were t-talking about our...situation, and we deduced that the only way we figure out which one of you two is my soulmate is for me to k-kiss one of you and-"

"Oh okay, I understand," Zane hums in understanding, stopping in his tracks, turning me towards him, lifting up my head with his thumb and pointer finger holding up my chin, and leaning in to kiss me in front of everyone.

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