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I run to where I last saw Skeppy. Luckily the crowd of people is gone by now. The crowd...including Skeppy. The next place to look is his dorm, but after a few knocks at his door, I realize he isn't there either.

"Bad? What are you doing?" Antfrost asks as he emerges from my dorm, a confused look on his face, "I was so worried about where you went when I heard the plan went haywire. George, Clay, and Sapnap are just inside."

"I know and I'll explain everything later, I just need to find Skeppy," I blurt out quickly, still looking around as if he'll just appear around the corner or from thin air.

Antfrost pauses for a moment, still worried about what happened and of my urgency to find Skeppy, but then says, "He came here a little while ago asking for you. He told me to tell you to meet him at the park two blocks away from the school, but if you don't show up then that's fi-"

I'm already bolting around the corner once Antfrost gives me the location, making a mental note to thank him later. I run down the stairs and out of the building faster than I ever have or ever will in my life. My heart is pounding as I sprint out of the college and down the sidewalk to the park all the way to the parking lot. I know that even if I was walking, my heart would still be pounding.

Eventually, the cement walls and rural houses turn into a grassy public park to the left of me. I swerve my body ninety degrees into the park recklessly, my eyes darting around but not spotting Skeppy anywhere. Has he already left? Have I made him wait too long? I start farther into the park, my sprint now slowing to a speed walk. The more I walk down the small cement path down the sparsely wooded park, the less populated it becomes. As the foliage starts to increase enough and the path had starts to end, there was no one around. No one and I still haven't found Skeppy anywhere.

I sigh in contempt, accepting my life as the guy who ditched his soulmate when I finally see him, the top of his dark chocolate-colored hair poking out above a tall bush. I round the bush and see a small pond almost completely closed off with densely leaved trees and tight bushes. There was a single bench near the lake, the aging wood gray and withering away.

"Skeppy?" I call quietly, the trembling from my voice shocking me. I approach the lonely male on the bench, his head turning to me. His face lights up, then falls in guilt. I take the seat next to him, looking out at the water in front of us.

"L-look, Bad, I," Skeppy starts to say, but his words are suddenly replaced with muffled whimpers of shock. He leans back, his body now almost fully facing me except for his legs, which are still pointed straight at the lake. My legs are folded as I sit on them facing his direction. While he was talking, I cupped his face with both hands and slammed my lips into his.

My eyes are squeezed shut as to not be too embarrassed by my bold action as Skeppy's eyes were wide with shock. His eyes soon closed though, cupping my face back as he easily turned my closed mouth kiss to a soft but passionate kiss. We separate for a second, or not even a second as Skeppy went right back to kissing me after a single sharp inhale. He changes the position so he is basically crawling onto me, myself patting his shoulder lightly for air. I can't handle much more.

Reluctantly, Skeppy separates from my lips and, after a moment more of looking at me, crawls back to the place he was sitting. My face is unbelievably red, though Skeppy's light blush is slightly relieving.

"Was that to figure out if we are soulmates?" Skeppy questions after a moment as I've been trying to compose myself. My heart is going crazy. This is so different than the kiss with Zane. I can barely handle it.

"Why else would I do that?" I exclaim, my voice being three octaves higher than it should be.

"I'm not sure, but I sure in fact liked it," Skeppy determines gleefully, making me sigh from his simple-minded nature. I lift up my arm and stare at my clothed wrist, my breathing ragged (for many reasons).

"Hey," Skeppy whispers in a sweetly soft tone, catching my attention, "Even if we're not soulmates, I'm glad to be with you now."

I nod, look back to my wrist, and take a deep breath, calmly pulling down my sleeve.

There, right on my wrist, I see the letters ZAP still printed in bold, blank ink letters. I feel like I'm gonna throw up. I just want to claw the letters off my wrist, and I know Skeppy feels just as devastated. I just like him so much. I truly thought the letters would go away. How naive I was.

I hang my head low to stare at my sweatshirt as tears swell and fill my eyes, falling from my eyes with a single blink. My arm falls to my leg, resting lazily as my whole body is limp and heavy.

"B-Bad," Skeppy stutters, his voice trembling as he had cried too, but his tone is welling with excitement. I look up just a bit to barely see the letters on my wrist fading from existence, leaving my wrist completely barren.

I can't believe it. I quickly check my other wrist wondering if I somehow just have the wrong one but my left wrist is blank as usual. I basically launch myself over to Skeppy, almost falling chest first into his lap as I grab his arm and check his right wrist as well. My initials are gone as well.

I erupt in celebratory yells and giggles, my face brighter than it's ever been with tears of happiness streaming from my face. Skeppy's face lights up as well, his beautiful caramel skin seeming to sparkle as he pounces on me, kissing me everywhere I'd allow him to. He finishes by giving me a long kiss on the lips, separating and hovering over me so we can just admire each other.

"Does this mean we have to move into the same dorm?" Skeppy questions jokingly, making me giggle as I push his face away playfully with my hand, Skeppy referencing, "And they were neighbors- Oh my god they were neighbors."

"Look, I'm sorry for how I lashed out at you earlier, I was just-" I start to explain but I'm interrupted by a loving kiss from Skeppy.

"Shhh, that's not important now. Less talking more kissing," Skeppy hushes quickly before starting to kiss me again.


"Why were you two gone for two hours?" Antfrost exclaims loudly in frustration.

"That is no way to react to us announcing we're soulmates," Skeppy huffs, obviously avoiding the question.

"Oh come on, we knew the whole time," Dream states dismissively to my shock.

"You what?!" I exclaim.

"Bad, we love you, but you could barely handle Skeppy, let alone Zane," Sapnap adds, sipping at some orange juice, "Skeppy was just the easier option."

I look up with a thoughtful expression as I tap my chin and agree, "Yeah, I guess you're right. He was a lot to handle."

"Was a lot to handle?" Skeppy questions in a not-so-happy tone that I don't truly register, eyes darting to me.

"Yeah, when he pinned me to a tree and kissed me.." I explain, but start to trail off as I see the shock, anger, and intense jealousy in his expression and remember that I haven't told him yet. Whoops.

Zane suddenly feels a shiver up his spine and sneezes, feeling very tense and distressed.

"What's up with you?" The sweet second-year named Dani asks, seeming annoyed with his presence.

"I don't know, but I feel like I should run," He expresses nervously, looking around cautiously.

"Good, I'll be rid of you," Dani huffs with a nasty tone, looking at him as if quietly begging him to stay, but only for a second.

"ZANE!!!" An angered yell from a beast yards away makes Zane jump out of his skin, hurrying to the door of the storage room they are organizing.

"That's my cue. Gotta blast!" Zane calls quickly, zipping out of the room at incredible speeds. Dani only giggles when she's sure he's gone.

"Glad you found that funny. Give my body your number after I'm done with this!" Zane adds after popping his head out of the door he was hiding behind before actually darting away this time, Dani pissed and flustered.

ZAP {Skephalo}Where stories live. Discover now