Ooh Honey Honey

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(Note: POV change = ~~~)

I look up and my face lights up when I see Skeppy standing right in front of me. He looks curious but also confused as to why I am in a second-year building. His eyes shimmering in curiosity is so cute.

"Oh, I am..I just needed a place to read," I say nervously. Antfrost says I'm awful at lying, but I hope this one is convincing enough.

"Oh, okay," Skeppy hums, and then silence falls over us. How do I tell him that we have to kiss again? Ugh, my face is burning up. Is he staring at me? Should I say something? I wish I could know what he's thinking.


"Excuse me, sir? Are you Zane?" Dream questions the taller, slightly intimidating male. Why did they have to get the tall, mean-looking one?

"Yeah, what's up freshies? And if you're asking for my notes from last year, it depends how much you pay me," Zane explains in a half-friendly tone as if he expected this already. They haven't even started classes yet?

"No no, that won't be necessary," George insists adamantly with a slight chuckle, trying to be as friendly and polite as possible without overdoing it.

"Then what do you two want?" Zane questions the two strangers, now already getting a bit suspicious of them. Let's just hope this works.


"Well um...you see uh," I sputter out nervously, unsure how to put this.

"Are you okay? Your face is really flushed. Are you sick or something?" Skeppy asks in a slightly worried tone, cupping my face lightly with one hand and checking my temperature by putting his other hand on my forehead. He is not helping at all.

"I need you to kiss me," I blurt out suddenly, now in a panic as he stares at me confused and in shock. Crap. I didn't mean to say it like that. I didn't think I'd say it at all. My heart is beating out of my chest. Can he hear it? Is it hot in here?

"Well I can't say no to that invitation, but may I ask why?" Skeppy asks with a slight smirk, making my heart pound faster. I can't handle this.

"Well b-because we need to know which one of you is my soulmate and I have to kiss at least one of you to figure that out," I explain timidly, my face still burning as he kept my face cupped lightly in his hand.

"Oh, I see," Skeppy hums, shaking his head up and down slowly in understanding, "That's why Zane tried to kiss you yesterday. But rest assured, I will be the one to kiss you and prove that I'm your soulmate, okay?" Skeppy keeps bouncing his eyes between my eyes and lips as he talks, unable to focus on one. I gulp at his gaze.


"Wait...I recognize you two. You're Bad's friends or at least two of them. How is he doing? Especially after that whole charade with Skeppy. I didn't get to apologize to him since he disappeared before I could," Zane explains, looking between the two of us hopefully.

"Oh um, he's uh..." George stutters nervously, wondering how much of Bad's distress he should tell him, so I do it for him. Though Dream pauses a moment to admire how cute George is while stuttering, quickly focusing back on the mission at hand.

"He's doing great actually. He's um...got it all figured out," Dream explains quickly and he can just see Zane is getting suspicious.

"He's got it all figured? Wait, does he know who his soulmate is now? The only way he would know that is if he kissed either me or Skeppy and I haven't kissed him yet," Zane tells himself, thinking hard, "What did you say you needed me for again?"

"Oh, we didn't," I mumble as he had interrupted me before I could tell him my lie earlier, "We are doing a project to figure out the life and mind of the second years who survived through Freshman year."

Zane squints at me suspiciously, stating, "But the classes for the freshmen haven't started yet."

Crap, why does he have to know that.

"It's a personal project," George answers quickly for me, covering for me.

"A...personal project?" Zane hums, relaxing a bit as he half believes us at this point, "Well, can we do this later? I have to go find Bad."

Zane pushes past us slightly, starting down the hallway. Where Skeppy and Bad were.


"Well then let's get this show on the road," Skeppy coos happily, leaning down, inching his face closer and closer to mine. I quickly and nervously squeeze my eyes shut, but then I suddenly hear, "B-but Zane! Have I told you about honey honey?"

That is a code word that the mission has failed and they couldn't keep him distracted.

"Crap," I curse, or as close as I will ever get to curse, as I quickly lean away from Skeppy, "Zane's coming and I really want to get this answer already. What do we do?"

Skeppy, a little disappointed, whips around quickly, grabbing my arm and dragging me into a nearby lab room that is luckily empty. We freeze, hearing footsteps start walking towards the door and the voices of Dream and George trying to convince Zane to stop searching around for me. This isn't good.

"I saw this door close over here, but all the labs should be empty at the moment," I hear Zane inform as he approaches the door, Dream quickly saying he didn't see anything, but to no avail.

Skeppy and I back away from the door, myself gripping onto Skeppy's blue hoodie sleeve as he quickly looks around for a way to escape.

"Bad, in here," Skeppy whispers quickly to me and, before I know it, Skeppy drags me into a small metal locker and shuts the door. Right after that, the door to the lab opens.

"I could have sworn I saw someone go in here," I hear Zane mumble as the shuffling of three feet travels around the room. Skeppy puts his finger on his light pink lips. He's mere inches away from me. I can feel his breath on my nose.

"I'm telling you, Zane, we didn't see anything," George insists as the two anxiously follow him, wondering to themselves where I went as well.

Zane pauses right in front of the locker we are hiding in, so close I can hear his light breathing as he searches carefully for me, like a hunter searching for his prey. Then, just as soon as he is there, I hear disgruntled mumbles from Zane as the three leave. As the doors to the lab click close, I reach to open the locker to get out of the hot space so close to Skeppy. But Skeppy puts his hand over mine to stop me from leaving. I look up at him confused, but he's staring at me with a passionate expression I can't even describe. Then, slowly but suddenly, Skeppy closes his eyes and starts to lean in.

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