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Suddenly, the locker clicks open and my head darts to the intruder before our lips can connect like Skeppy has planned. I go pale and my heart stops as I stare face to face with the older janitor looking very obviously sick of his job and not shocked by our presence or actions in the slightest.

"Sorry, but you guys should do that at your dorms," The janitor instructs, his voice dark and raspy, sounding exhausted.

Mine and Skeppy's faces both flush a dark red as we realize the predicament we're in with a lack of an explanation or good excuse.

"S-sorry sir, let me just," I sputter as I awkwardly squeeze out and push past the janitor gently, not even looking back for Skeppy as I try to rush out of this room as fast as I can. My face won't calm down and I feel like I can barely breathe.

This was a disaster.

"Bad, wait," Skeppy calls out quickly to me as he tries to catch up. I rush out of the doors of the room and out of the second year's science building, Skeppy matching my pace.

"Look, I'm sorry, I just thought it was the perfect time and-" Skeppy tries to explain himself, but I cut him off.

"The perfect time? We were stuck in a tiny locker in a classroom with a class coming at any time and a very perceptive janitor. Does that seem like a good time to you?" I hiss at him through gritted teeth after stopping in my tracks and turning to him. We are out of the building now, the cool fall air flowing and swirling through the tension between us.

"You embarrassed me in front of someone I will have to see for the next few years I'll be here. Now I won't even be able to look him in the eyes!" I exclaim at Skeppy, knowing that interactions with the tired janitor won't be that important. I know it's so stupid to argue about this, but I'm already stressed about my failed attempts to figure out my soulmate because they are too stubborn to let the other be the deciding kiss. He embarrassed both of us, but I'm not really thinking of that at the moment.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think anyone would catch us," Skeppy apologizes sincerely, a bit shocked at how genuinely mad I am.

"If you had just let Zane kiss me that first time, we wouldn't be in this mess!"

Skeppy looks hurt by that, but my guilt just simmers into my aggravation. He takes a step towards me, a desperate look on his face as he begs, "Please, let's just kiss now and find out if we're soulmates. Let's just get over with like you want, okay?"

I take a step back in return, bringing my hands up in front of my chest defensively, "No, don't. Not here. We can't."

"Why not? Don't you wanna find out who your soulmate is?" Skeppy continues, a pleading look on his face. People are looking. He doesn't realize how embarrassing this is. I feel like I'm gonna vomit.

"I said not here!" I exclaim, realizing my mistake as I look around. More people are staring at the scene we are creating. I can't handle this. I need to go.

Before I know it my legs are carrying me out of the light crowd to no place in particular. I just need to get out of there. The fast thumping of my feet on the pavement is matching the quick heartbeat that fills my ears. The area around me is a blur of grey and green and blue.

I run and run, panting wildly and only looking back for a moment to see a glimpse of Skeppy's face before turning the corner around the second year's history building. His saddened look almost made me freeze in my panicked running. Almost. And then, I'm gone.

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