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I almost fall on top of Zane when he's yanked back off of me, but Skeppy stops my fall by having his hand on my chest. Skeppy has his arm around me in no time, looking at a confused and slightly aggravated Zane.

"Sarah said I was with your group since, after they organized everyone, I didn't have one. And she doesn't trust you," Skeppy hums tauntingly, a triumphant smirk plastered on his face. Zane clicks his tongue in irritation.

Zane looks like he's about to start a fight with Skeppy, a death glare from Zane piercing right through him, but he backs off, looking at the other gawking freshmen and saying, "Let's keep going on this tour, shall we?"

"So you almost made out with one of them and then they almost killed each other, huh?" Antfrost summarizes bluntly like always as I approach them at a picnic table near the dorms.

"How do you guys know already?" I groan, still recovering from the tour we just finished. I felt so awkward in the middle of Skeppy and Zane's death glaring war that I didn't even tell Skeppy about my plan. I feel like prey being fought over by tigers.

"People talk and you're slow," Dream hums teasingly and I wave to Sapnap as I take a seat.

"I am not. I actually got out of there as quickly as possible. I thought they were gonna kill me in the tussle," I whine with a defeated sigh, laying my head on the table, "I don't think this plan will work with them acting like this."

"I'm sorry Bad, I can sympathize with you on this," George tries to say comfortingly, but Dream buds in.

"Sapnap was only teasingly flirting with you, and even if he wasn't you still couldn't get confused since our initials are completely different," Dream argues.

"Shut it or I will never say I love you again."

"You already don't say it now," Dream mumbles.

"You still can do the plan if you play your cards right," Antfrost chimes in, breaking up the couple's quarrel.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask and I'm almost frightened at how easy and quickly Antfrost can scheme.

"Just get one of them alone and kiss them before the other interrupts," Antfrost explains as if it's easy.

"I tried that and it obviously didn't work out. Maybe I should be a Soulless," I pout, giving up hope easily. A Soulless is a person who doesn't end up with their soulmate and is either alone forever or ends up with another soulless.

"Oh my god, you would be so hopeless without me. Listen," Antfrost sighs, grabbing my face and lifting me up a bit so I'm sitting up, "We'll distract one while you kiss the other. And I think I know just the way to do it..."

I inconspicuously stare at the book in my hands as I sit on a bench in the hallway of the science building. I can't believe that Zane and Skeppy haven't killed each other yet since they have so many classes together. And I still don't know how Antfrost knew their schedules already. He said he knew the vice principal's son who told him for twenty bucks and a snickers bar, but I'm not buying it.

"See them coming out of class yet?" I ask quietly into my Bluetooth earbuds. I wish I had a better view, but I have to hide around the corner until one of them comes down the hall and Dream and George distract the other one.

"Negative, over," Dream says through gritted teeth as he tries to copy the static sound of walkie talkies.

"You forgot to say our codenames Muffinboy, over," Sapnap says, mimicking the static sound much better.

"Oh right, sorry SappityNappity, over," I hum casually, skimming the words in the book I am holding anxiously. Is this book in Russian or something? I can't read it... oh, it's upside down.

"Can we pay attention to the objective here?" Antfrost sighs, just wanting to go back to his dorm to play some video games.

"Here they come!" George exclaims and, as planned, I quickly end the call and flip my book and look like I'm reading. Kids start to pass me, some looking over at me oddly.

Then, I hear, "Bad? What are you doing here?"

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