How we got together (IwaOi)

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Mizuki Iwaizumi is a beautiful little girl with short brown hair and bright hazel eyes.

Tooru Iwaizumi and Hajime Iwaizumi are her adopted fathers.

One day during lunch the little girl asked a question.

"Dad? How did you and Papa get together?" She asked.

Hajime spit out his drink while Tooru chuckled.

"It's a long story sweetheart" Tooru said with a small smile.

"Yeah and its boring I'm sure you don't want to hear it" Hajime said after.

Mizuki pouted and crossed her arms.

"Look Iwa-chan she's got my pout!"

"I told you to stop calling me Iwa-chan we aren't in school anymore and we have the same last name now"

"Force of habit hehe"

Mizuki was still pouting and Tooru picked her up out her chair "You really wanna hear the story?"

She nodded.

Hajime groaned.

"Ok let's see it was back in highschool..."


Oikawa Tooru is a very popular student who can have anyone he wants.

Iwaizumi Hajime is his best friend who is nearly as popular but doesn't get it well with other people, mainly because no one asks him out.

He was always with Oikawa so he never really had time to spare with other people besides the team to really gain feelings for someone.

The minute Oikawa found out he liked his best friend he became obsessive.

Having a sort of power aura that kept people away from his little Iwa-chan.

He got irritated everytime someone tried to take Iwaizumi's attention off him.

Of course Iwaizumi noticed it but he thought he was just getting irritated because nationals were coming up and they hadn't made the cut.

Eventually to a point Oikawa was by his side 24/7, getting irritated he didn't call him back, or just plain out glaring at anyone who kept his attention off him for even a second.

It was when Oikawa lost his cool he decided to ask about it.

A girl in Iwaizumi's homeroom class had come up and asked him what the homework was.

Oikawa burst.

"You should really pay attention in class if you want to pass, you can't keep asking the smart kids for help or you'll never learn. So how about you go figure out what the homework is by yourself and keep away from my Iwa-chan?"

It wasn't a request, it was an order.

The poor girl got so afraid she ran off.

When they walked home that day Iwaizumi decided to say something.

"Hey Oikawa?"


"Is there anything bothering you? You've been off. You really went off on that girl today, she was scared. You know you can talk to me if somethings up" he said.

Oikawa stopped and pulled Iwaizumi's arm "I know it's toxic to keep you away from other people but lately I've been obsessed with you, i want your attention me and only me" he said truthfully.

He continued on "I get so irritated when someone keeps you away from me, you aren't mine yet but i feel a sense to keep you by my side and they're trying to take you away."

Oikawa sounded desperate.

"What exactly are you trying to say?" Iwaizumi whispered gazing into Oikawa's brown eyes.

"I like you Hajime, i want you to be mine and no one elses" Oikawa whispered.

(Bye Obsession started playing-)

Iwaizumi flushed up and turned his head "You really like me?"

"Yes! And if you like me back we can get married and have a kid!"

"This went from a confession to having a child-"

Oikawa smiled "So do you like me back?"

"I mean yes, i don't really hang out with anyone else other than you and the team. Me and you really have a connection, don't get me wrong we've been best friends since we were kids of course we have a connection. We've got this childhood best friends to lovers trope going on" he chuckled.

"Does this mean you're my boyfriend now Hajime?"

"Yes Tooru, i am now your boyfriend."

"See i told you stalking them was a good idea!"

"Makki shut the hell up"

The two other males looked over to see Matsukawa and Hanamaki peeking from a bush.

"Guys what the hell?" Iwaizumi said, pulling away from Oikawa and dragged them out the bush.

"It was Makki's idea" Matsukawa said with bored eyes but had a grin on his face.

Makki jabbed the taller male in the side "You traitor"

Matsukawa chuckled.

"Ok bur seriously a bush? That's tacky really" Oikawa said.

"Whatever, anyways y'all are dating now?" Both males asked.

"Yeah it does." Iwazumi answered for both of them.


Mizuki stared at her dads.

"Yeah basically that's how we got together" Tooru smiled.

Hajime shook his head and sighed "That story was awful, you were obsessed with me, I'm pretty sure thay girl is still scared of you. God highschool was a mess."

Tooru laughed and kissed Hajime's cheek.

"Whatever you do don't get obsessed with someone you like if i get a call from school that you lashed out on some poor student you will be in big trouble ya little devil" Hajime said and poked Mizuki's nose.

Mizuki giggled "Ok Papa."

Oikawa whispered in her ear "Don't listen to Papa, claim your territory, you like someone then let everyone know or you'll lose your chance. I'll answer the phone if you get in trouble ok? Don't worry" he smirked.

Hajime punched him in the arm "Stop that, you're really gonna get her in trouble for be obsessive over some crush!"

"But she has to claim her territory or it'll never work!"

"Tooru i swear im going to kick you-"


"If she likes someone she shouldn't be obsessive over them"

"Whatever, being obsessive got me the best husband in the world i don't see the problem"

"The problem is she isn't you! Also i love you, you're the best husband in the world too" he said.

"I love you too, but i also love our little daughter who has the right to be obsessive-"

"Tooru if you allow her to be obsessive I'm not letting you sleep next to me at night"

He gasped "You cant do that!"

"Yes i can and i will if you keep it up"

"Fine, sweetheart dont be obsessive for the sake of my sleeping next to Hajime privileges"


"See now she isn't gonna do it"

"Good" Hajime said smiling.

Yuhhh get into itttttt-

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