Accidental Confession (IwaOi)

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This an excuse to write something-
Lmao enjoy ig

Do you know how hard it is to see your beat friend break after keeping up so long?

It hurts so fucking bad, watching them put up a mask when they're in pain but tell you not worry yet you still do.

They lost to karasuno, three years. In the garbage.

He put up a front but after that match he broke down.

Oikawa hasn't taken that match very well at all, but he kept to himself till afterwards.

Working himself to the bone until he finally broke.

Everyone else left, it was just him and Iwaizumi there.

He fell to his knees and looked at the ground, three fucking years he told himself.

All wasted.

He was envious, angry, distressed.

He hated it, he hated this. He hated feeling like he was nothing.

He didn't even know he was crying.

Iwaizumi's eyes widened and went over to his crying friend.

"Oikawa? Oikawa?" He called, no answer from him.

"Tooru look at me" he said this time, the taller male looked up with tears brimming his eyes.

Iwaizumi slumped and his eyebrows furrowed, this was not a sight he'd like to see. His best friend looked like he was in so much pain.

He cursed under his breath and pulled Oikawa close, a hug that told him 'I'm here for you ok?'

Iwaizumi felt distressed they lost that match as well but not like Oikawa, he taken it much harder.

And he was gonna be there for him.

"Tooru listen to me, i know you feel like all this time was wasted. I know you. But i want you to pick yourself up, shit like this is gonna happen because thats life and we need to keep moving. It's gonna beat you down, but you can keep going. You can still achieve so much you just have to know you can. Dont beat yourself up because you're worth everything and you deserve what you want in life. You're so good at what you do and you can use that, you're so fucking smart, so hard-working, you can achieve so much" Iwaizumi told him, hugging him closer.

"I fucking love you but seeing the way you break down like this hurts, i know you can do so much i want that for you. You can become someone so much greater than now because you know the struggle, take that and move on."

Oikawa sniffled and smiled weakly "Hajime you love me?" He teased slightly.

Iwaizumi paused "Wait i didnt mean to say that it was an accident?-" he pulled away.

"I get all you said before Hajime, but do you really love me?" Oikawa asked, fiddling with his fingers.

'Ok idiot this is your chance, maybe not what we planned but we can do this' Iwaizumi told himself in his head.

"I loved you for years and sticked by your side but it hurt so much when you got a girlfriend because i knew you didn't like them and i thought i didn't have a chance and i waited years to tell you but now its our last year and im so fucking scared of you leaving me because i want to supposrt what you become because i know you'll be great but i can't handle being without you because it hurts so bad, you're so great even with that facade because i know the real you. No one knows you like i do and i feel so special sometimes" He rambled.

'God damn it that did not go as planned-' he yelled in his head.

He covered his mouth "I'm so sorry, forget i said all that" he mumbled.

Oikawa blinked and he smiled widely, not a fake smile a real one.

"Don't worry i love you too" He said gently, taking Iwaizumi's hand and kissing his palm.

"I have for years, i tried to date other people to get over you because you were my best friend and i didn't want to ruin that. You are always there for me and i love you for it, I'm so sorry you had to wait so long. I won't leave you, I'll keep contact, I'll call you everyday, i dont care as long as we dont fall apart. I'm willing to do what it takes for us" He whispered softly against his palm.

Iwaizumi felt his heart flutter, holy shit was this really happening?

His face flushed up with red and he felt like the world stopped.

Oikawa Tooru? His best friend? Feeling the same way? The world is coming to an end-

"Hajime?" The taller male said poking at him.

He blinked "Huh?"

Oikawa laughed "You froze, i was making sure you were still here" he teased.

"Sorry this just feels so unreal, i can't believe you feel the same way. I'm not even that great as you" he said.

Oikawa frowned and rested his head against Iwaizumi's "You are perfect, so strong, so reliable and willing to help when needed. I fucking love you for that, don't you ever tell yourself you aren't as great as me because I'm shitty person and we both know that."

Iwaizumi smiled a bit then laughed "This wasn't even supposed to be a confession, i was just trying to make you feel better then it all came out"

Oikawa grinned "Well i certainly feel better, c'mon lets clean up and walk home together?" he suggested.

"I always walk home with you idiot but sure" Iwaizumi rolled his eyes playfully.

They had cleaned up the gym and locked the doors, walking home side by side.

"Does this mean we're boyfriends now? Can i call you cute nicknames? Can we cuddle now? You haven't cuddled since we watched that scary movie as kids" Oikawa pestered.

"I mean i guess we are if you want a title, no nicknames Iwa-chan is enough for me, don't remind me of that time but yes we can cuddle" Iwaizumi hummed.

"My mom is gonna be so happy to hear, she's been waiting ever since i told her about you" the taller male laughed.

"Oh please my mom is the same way, she always asks if i confesses or you did ever since i told her" Iwaizumi rolled his eyes.

"5 buck they made a bet with each other"

"You're on"

I tried- i dont have much motivation since im in class 💀💀

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